Pro V1X Left Dash Greenside spin

Follow Thread

By Scott A

  • 6 Replies
  1. I have used the left dash for about a year or so, and it is a great ball. However, I am having an issue with the ball running out through the green, especially with shots near the green, 30 yards and in. They do not seem to want to stop for me, are others seeing this issue as well or should I be trying a pro v1 or pro V1X?

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    How old are your wedges? Might not be the ball, but the grooves. If your wedges are more than a year old, probably time for fresh ones.
  3. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    I have been playing the left dash as well and haven't experienced the same issue. Maybe you need to make a little tweak with your angle of attack and try to flight the ball a little differently. I noticed I had to use the bounce a little more and less with the leading edge.
  4. Gregory W

    Gregory W
    Belleville, IL

    I have been playing them off and on for over a year. I played the AVX for a while and they seem to have a little more stopping power but lost a little distance off the tee. I switched back to the left dash about 2 months ago and in my opinion fit my game the best. I did get new wedges this spring so maybe that is why i haven't noticed them rolling out. The left dash and AVX are one hop on the green and stop for me, which I like. Trying to avoid sucking it back 10 yards or it rolling out 10 yards. Could be angle of attack or grooves getting old on your wedges.

    Best of luck
  5. Keith M

    Keith M
    Acworth, GA

    Like the others have said, maybe get your wedges checked. I just received my SM9s a couple of weeks ago, it’s like throwing darts. My SM7s were rolling out a bit.
  6. Robert J

    Robert J
    Grafton, Oh

    I have been playing the left dash for about a year, perfect ball for me. It is drop and stop, without spinning back. On the chips/pitches I get a nice grab and little roll out. I love this ball.
  7. PZ


    I've had the left dash in my bag for about 6 months now. Typically it's a one hop and stop action, but that's when clipping it correctly. When hitting that 30 yard shot and playing more of a bump and run style, I've certainly noticed if you don't put a lot of spin on it, it will roll for a long time. I play a very fast and firm course and battled this some at first too. That's my only issue with the ball. Ball off the driver is so long and straight it's sometimes comical.

    I did pick up a prov1 recently and played a little with it around the green. I sucked a couple back more than what I'm used to seeing and was happy that I don't have to deal with that issue.

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