718 AP2 lofts questions

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By Neal S

  • 2 Replies
  1. Neal S

    Neal S
    Starkville, MO

    After a few dozen rounds with the new AP2’s I can honestly say I love the feel of these irons. However, the one thing I’ve noticed is how weak the lofts are. In fact, they’re one of the weakest lofts I’ve seen in comparable irons. My question here is a two-parter. First, is there a benefit behind having weaker lofts? And secondly, can you strengthen the lofts of these irons, or would that throw off updated leading edge? Like I mentioned before, I’m in love with the forged feel, but I do miss my old distances. Any input would be appreciated.

  2. I was playing 681's for about 6 years before getting some used AP2's a few weeks ago and since the 681's are even weaker I am looking forward to more distance haha.

    I have wondered as well why blades are the weakest and SGI's are always the strongest. My guess is that with the length and other specs of a blade...having a certain loft allows for maximum workability and control...while SGI's are just looking to hit is as far and high as possible.

    no idea about pro's and con's of changing loft except I have seen it done at most 2 degrees.
  3. William H

    William H
    Buckeye, AZ

    1. Weaker lofts, "should" increase accuracy
    2. You CAN get your AP2s bent stronger in the lofts.

    I did that on my AP2s, bent them 2 degrees stronger and it dramatically changed the playing characteristics of the irons and not in a good way. They didn't feel as solid and they had a completely different feel that I really didn't care for. I had to get them bent back to factory spec. Also, mine are 2 degrees upright, so that might be a factor to? All I know is I put them back to as is, 2 degrees up, +1/2" and standard loft. That's what works best for me. Best of luck to you getting it figured out!

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