Cracking titleist drivers

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By Peter L

  • 4 Replies
  1. Took 3 years to crack my 910 D3 , but they don't build them like they use too anymore, ts4 cracked less than 3 months , tsi4 Two heads had the crown ridging in less than two months and I returned them and now not even six months later replacement head has already cracked......

    Wonder how long my tsr4 is going to last... last chance titleist........

  2. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Please address your issues with customer service. I have had only good experiences when these issues arrive. Every club manufacturer has these situations where clubs don’t hold up to play….all I can say is that Titleist is the best in business when addressing customers concerns.

  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I agree Totally with Dr K. Have had the 910, 913, 915, 917, and TSI and have NEVER had an issue with any of them cracking and I play around 100 rounds a year. As to Titleist customer service, best in the golfing industry. Sometimes if golfers spend a lot of time hitting their driver at a range, and the balls are hard (most range typically do not have quality golf balls and do not change them often enough) cracking could happen with any driver. I play at a muni and most people spend more time hitting their driver then they do working on the other parts of their game. If the range has matts, even worse. Just sayin'.
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    To expand on Chuck's great point, most of us long-time Titleist driver hitters have never experienced cracks in our drivers but occasionally we see a post where someone has had multiple heads crack on them. It seems like the odds of the same player getting the 1% of defective heads would be mathematically improbable. It would be a better hypothesis to suspect that something in the way these clubs are being used would be a greater factor in causing the cracking. Maybe its a combination of greater clubhead speed and the exact location where the ball is hitting the face? It could also be the ball type and temperature of the clubhead as additional factors. I would hate to see these heads get beefed up to be indestructible by the hardest of swings and have the performance reduced for the majority of golfers who benefit from the thin, light face. Sorry that they have not worked out for you.
  5. I've experienced a lot of heads cracking or deforming lately! I cracked my TS3 in 2022, cracked 3 TSR3 heads in 2024, and now my GT2 head is deformed on the crown! The drivers are great but I can't seem to avoid them breaking constantly. The performance is great though, they just feel a little but sensitive and in a way allergic to longevity.

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