Feeling very lucky to find this beauty in the golf shop. Been watching to see when this item was going to be released and got fortunate on a rainy day trip to a golf store. I have been wanting a midsize tour bag for over a year, but couldn't pull this trigger on the 2017 model. Once I saw the 2020 jet black range, I knew it was a must have. I am working on my game and will put this bag in play once I reach a few of my goals. Tried a few different club set ups since this will be a cart bag, would love to hear what the community believes is the best arrangement. A few of the items I have noticed: the upper side pockets will be blocked by the cart strap, the zippers have metal tabs, the rear small magnetic pocket is perfect, there are three full length dividers versus six, and the mix between leather and stitched cloth is perfect. The long side packets have small net pocket to address the access problem on the upper side pockets. The upper side pockets will be good for items that don't need to be retrieved during the round. The right side pocket has another pocket underneath that runs the full length of the bag, looks great for an umbrella-but anything else will drop all the way down. The strap is the perfect size and material-would have loved two connections at the bottom but the single works for bag design. The base has a few additional pads to help prevent tip over. I have added a few new goals to add the jet back head covers. Golfing in 2020 is off to a great start.