Tips on FJ Polo Collars

Follow Thread

By Teedz

  • 19 Replies
  1. Teedz

    Fresno, CA

    I hope this is an okay post to ask this, since Footjoy and Titleist seem to work together, and that is what I only wear on the course. But I was wondering if anyone had any tips on getting the collar/placket to look even? If you look at the one of the photos it's clearly uneven and it bothers the heck out of me. I'm not sure how to fix it, but I'd like to get the polo collar/placket to look like the other photo without having to wash it if possible. Any tips???

    I hope this makes sense! It's hard to explain what I'm looking for in a message!

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  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Yes, you will find that FootJoy has a forum with lots of Q&A posts so probably look there for some answers. Cheers and good luck. Hope you find what you need.
  3. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    I hang all my Footjoy shirts on hangers and make sure I button the top button when they are hanging. It really helps them keep their shape when you wear them. When I wear, I only unbutton the top button. IMO opinion, that's the best look. Though I have many dozens of FJ shirts, I must say, their "self-collar" polos are the ones I like and wear the most.
  4. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Doug E said:

    I hang all my Footjoy shirts on hangers and make sure I button the top button when they are hanging. It really helps them keep their shape when you wear them. When I wear, I only unbutton the top button. IMO opinion, that's the best look. Though I have many dozens of FJ shirts, I must say, their "self-collar" polos are the ones I like and wear the most.

    I agree with Doug's post!
  5. GStuart

    Blackfoot, ID

    Thanks for the info… when you hang your shirts on a hanger does it leave those hanger marks on the shoulders?
  6. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Doug has made some very valid points. I only unbotton the top button when wearing and do not have any issues. Do not recommend use of fabric softener sheets in dryer. It tends to break down the fabric. Self collars are the only way to go! We had a similar question on the FJ site regarding use of spray starch and do not recommend that. The more buttons you unbotton the more they will sag when wearing. They have a number of experts on the FJ site, they are there to "CHAT" with you and answer all your questions regarding all of FJs products.
  7. Teedz

    Fresno, CA

    Thank you for the tips! My problem must be not buttoning them all the way and hanging them up like that!
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Thought I had seen your post on the FJ site on October 28th and I had responded to it.
  9. Teedz

    Fresno, CA

    Chuck Z said:

    Thought I had seen your post on the FJ site on October 28th and I had responded to it.

    It went through??? My apologies then for posting it here! I only posted it here because after a few days it hadn't gone through and the most recent post on the FJ site was like a few months ago!
  10. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    As far as hanging my shirts, I'm with the rest of this group. I always button the top button and sometimes the top 2 buttons to maintain shape. It has worked for me well so far. Best of Luck!
  11. Alex N

    Alex N

    When you put the shirt on a hanger button the top button. This will help keep the collar in place. I’m OCD about my FJ shirts and how I hang them or fold them when I travel.
  12. GStuart

    Blackfoot, ID

    It’s ok to be super anal about your golf shirts when they cost $80!! Good tips!
  13. JJohnson

    Jersey Village, TX

    I agree with Doug's post above. I am fairly anal about my golf shirts for some reason (won't even let my wife wash them). I wash them separate from everything else in cold water, always hang dry and always button the top button for drying/hanging purposes. Seems to work well for my shirts...and the cold water wash/hang dry seems to make them last longer too.
  14. Same. I even button the top button when washing.
  15. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Definitely button the top when you hang them.
  16. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    I hang all my FJ shirts, I don't dry them in a dryer at all. I always button the shirt up completely.

    Got to look good even if I am hunting in the trees or tall grass for the other part of my game. Lol

  17. Felipe P

    Felipe P
    Melbourne, VIC

    If you are Harry Higgs, I guess you do not have an issue with this.

    PS, I button the top when I hang them :)

  18. T. D. P

    T. D. P
    Ashburn, VA

    A little late to the game here, but when you wash them, button all of the buttons, flip the collar up and turn it inside out. Then hang it up with the top button buttoned as others have said.
  19. I understand the frustration of trying to get your FJ polo collar and placket to look even. Here are a few tips that might help:
    Steam it: Use a garment steamer or the steam setting on your iron to gently reshape the collar and placket. This can help soften the fabric and make it more pliable for shaping.
    Press it: Using a pressing cloth and a warm iron, gently press the collar and placket to flatten any uneven areas. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this can cause the fabric to become misshapen.
    For more specific advice, you might want to check out for work shirts that offer similar collar and placket features. They may have products or tips that can help you achieve the look you're aiming for.
  20. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    An old post that I thought we had settled. Thank you for your input. Best advice is to reach out to the source. FootJoy. I probably have at least four dozen FJ shirts in my closet that I wear for work and play. As I stated previously, stay away from fabric softeners sheets and wash only in cold water. The aforementioned site does not list any golf brands on their site and that would concern me. Their product care is mainly for heavier materials. If you have a question feel free to call customer service below:

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