FJ Premier Series

Follow Thread

By Mitch B

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  • 7 Replies
  1. Mitch B

    Mitch B
    Huntsville, Alabama

    For those who have tried the Footjoy Premier series? How is the grip? I prefer the Field and Flint, but the other two look like the grip is better with the spikes.

  2. Jim C

    Jim C
    Duxbury, MA

    I have a pair of the Packard's and the grip is great and the shoes are very comfortable.
  3. Corey T

    Corey T
    Tyrone, GA

    I have the Packard's and I love them (but I also have the metal spikes in them same one's Tiger uses).
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    You will find the grip is exceptional with either. Speaking from someone who owns both and does a lot of fittings for these shoes at events. Customers are very happy with the performance.
  5. Play18

    Aurora, IL

    I love my Flint LE Low Country shoes and ordered the Packards as a Member Guest gift.
  6. Teedz

    Fresno, CA

    I have both the Packards and Tarlows. Love the look of both. I had issues slipping with my front foot when I first started with them. Then I realized that once I got the new shoes, I started opening my left foot and realized THAT was the reason why I was slipping in them. Absolutely love them!
  7. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    I have Flint and Packard. Both are fine for grip.
  8. JJohnson

    Jersey Village, TX

    I have the Packards and like them quite a bit. My feet are usually pretty quiet so grip isn't a big issue for me but man they are deceivingly light and super comfortable.

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