Dual shoulder straps for cart bag

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By Kevin M

  • 4 Replies
  1. Kevin M

    Kevin M
    McDonough, GA

    I couldn’t find the exact post I saw earlier but I saw a guy on here wanting to know if Titleist make an after market back pack style strap for cart bags.

    Unfortunately, the people commenting on the thread weren’t providing any information on, “if Titleist made a dual strap attachment for a cart bag” or “if anyone knew where to find one.”

    They decided to take the opportunity to explain the differences between a cart bag vs a carry bag like the guy was oblivious to what a golf bag was..“Cart bags are too heavy with everything in there, I have three bags. A tour bag, a cart bag, and a carry bag” one guy wrote.

    I have a Titleist 14 carry bag with all kinds of stuff in it. It probably weighs 50 lbs and is awkward to carry long distances. I play golf and practice on the range a fair amount and lugging that this around sucks but I like how it looks vs a carry bag. I would absolutely love to be able to carry it with dual straps to disperse the weight, Titleist brand or not.

    I guess I’m kinda on a soap box here but if someone is asking for information about something like which ball to play, what setting your driver should be on, ect. don’t belittle him or brag about having a golf bad for every occasion. This sport is expensive between clubs, balls, greens fees, and beer!

    The courses I usually play at, everything is spread out and requires a lot of walking. One course doesn’t allow carts in the parking lot. If your just there to hit on the range, you don’t get a cart and it’s a freaking workout carrying my bag to the clubhouse to get a bucket of balls, and then your walking a couple hundred yards to the range. Then if you wanna put, you have to walk even further. By the time you get to the range, your about too tired practice. (The course was a terrible set up haha)

    With all this being said, does anyone know of a company that makes a dual strap attachment that would work with a Titleist 14 cart bag? I think it could be a great product for Titleist to start making. Wink wink

    For everyone that stuck around to read this, I hope you all have great day and thank you in advance for anyone that can tell me where I can some better straps for my golf bag! Cheers boys! Hit’em straight!

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I have a Titleist Cart 14 bag and do not honestly think it is designed to carry eighteen holes. Fifty pounds is a lot of weight to be placing in those lighter weight bags. Cart bags are designed for carts, and in look at my Cart 14 it would be very awkward to carry 18 holes on the bottom side of the bag. Just one opinion. The strap is designed to carry it to and from the car. I have two mid size, one lightweight with a double strap and the Cart 14. You might try googling an after market double strap. =)
  3. After market double straps can be found online, but I don't know if any are compatible with the Mid Size, Cart 14 or carry 14. Like you, whichever one I am using is too loaded with gear to carry too far! I also have a bit of a walk to both ranges I practice at. I know it's an extra expense, but the lightweight carry bag is great for carrying 6 or 7 clubs to the range
  4. DonJ

    Cranston, RI

    Hi,just a thought Titleist does make a light weight cart 14 bag which weighs less than some stand bags
  5. Dual strap only works primarily on tour bags; cart bags have a solo strap on belly that will not easily work…

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