By David ARK

  • 7 Replies
  1. David ARK

    David ARK
    Long Beach, NY

    Being that my family and I are heading to Hawaii this summer, I am really hoping for an Aloha release this year. Hopefully for the Hawaii swing in the next 2 weeks! Got some gift cards from the holidays that are burning a hole in my wallet, lol.

  2. Todd J

    Todd J
    Calgary, Alberta 🇨🇦

    Seems like it's been a few years since we have seen one, in 2020 it was released on Jan 3. I would love to see one, wonder if Fj will do one this year?
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Todd J said:

    Seems like it's been a few years since we have seen one, in 2020 it was released on Jan 3. I would love to see one, wonder if Fj will do one this year?

    There is nothing at this time, but can always follow-up by checking on their site:
  4. Todd J

    Todd J
    Calgary, Alberta 🇨🇦

    Anybody see Windham Clark's Titleist hat? Looks like it's covered in small pineapples could be a preview for next week.
  5. Anthony C

    Anthony C
    Tinton Falls NJ

    Nothing yet for FJ or Titleist. It would have been nice to purchase Hawaii swag and have them donate some of the proceeds to Maui Relief.

    SC had the normal Hawaii releases... find them on ebay for 5 times the price.
  6. Anthony C

    Anthony C
    Tinton Falls NJ

  7. Luke


    Hawaii resident here! A lot of the pro shops or even the golf shops in town, like Roger Dunn have aloha/Hawaii gear. There are a lot of hats/towels/etc. with the island chains, shakas, and other stuff. Enjoy Hawaii!
  8. David ARK

    David ARK
    Long Beach, NY

    LP said:

    Hawaii resident here! A lot of the pro shops or even the golf shops in town, like Roger Dunn have aloha/Hawaii gear. There are a lot of hats/towels/etc. with the island chains, shakas, and other stuff. Enjoy Hawaii!

    Thanks for the info. I look forward to doing some shopping.

    Also, THANK YOU for your service!

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