Carry Bag

Follow Thread

By Todd R

  • 9 Replies
  1. Is there a way to keep the legs from sagging down while walking with the carry bag? The legs don't fit flush up against the bag when carrying it with the single or double strap, and it drives me crazy.

  2. MRoseski

    Palm Harbor, FL

    I have seen people move the plastic connector up a bit and that has seemed to help. You can also add a couple of zip ties to above the plastic connector. Vessel also makes a leg strap that works as well.
  3. Mine have done that for years...I have not discovered a good solution.
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    The first recourse, and most successful is to tighten the tension clip on the metal wires attached to the legs. I had to pop the plastic clip off, move it up about an inch and pop it back in place using some pliers. I then wrapped it in electrical tape just to make sure it did not pop loose on its own after that. I have done it on a couple of Players 4 and Players 4 Carbon bags. Also, when you are not playing, make sure the bag rests somewhere upright and not extended as prolonged extension of the legs will weaken the tension and contribute to the issue. Hope this helps.
  5. David B

    David B

    I also have this issue on new Links Legend bag. Followed everyones suggestion and put couple tie straps in tension clip, seems to 1/2 fix issue.

    Legs snap back if I stand bag straight up.
  6. I would love to see a new bag design. I have had several stand bags by titleist. None of them have checked all the boxes of what I wanted. I would like to see better stands, shoulder straps and better quality in logo screen printing.
  7. Fred L

    Fred L

    eBay has a clamp available titled “CNC Clamp to fix golf stand bagsaggy or droopy legs” that go good reviews. Check it out. Ordered for mine.
  8. Gamed a linksmaster for almost 3 years before having to buy cnc clamp. They do help and probably the sooner you put one on the better imo.
  9. I would say maybe buy a strap for the legs to keep them from falling down. I have one from Vessel it is a Leg tether strap and it works really well. I just clipped it on and my legs haven't been failing down since. It cost $15 but definitely worth it.
  10. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Matthew B said:

    I would say maybe buy a strap for the legs to keep them from falling down. I have one from Vessel it is a Leg tether strap and it works really well. I just clipped it on and my legs haven't been failing down since. It cost $15 but definitely worth it.

    Theirs is an interesting solution that could also be easily replicated with thin bungee cords from the strap connectors to the same spot on the legs. A much cheaper solution until an engineering design change takes place on all stand bags.

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