I am a fifteen year old and I play varsity high school golf. I am a good golfer with a handicap of about 10, 9 when I am playing really well and 11 when I dont play as well. I have taken lessons for two years and practice 24/7 over the summer. I understand fundamentals of golf very well. I have talked to my dad and golf coaches about what I need to do to take my game to the next level. They all say I need better mental game and I could become successful in golf if I make the effort.
They have told me too:
- Understand the history of golf
- Understand how the best golfers have played the game
- control my emotions
- dont dwell on bad shots but learn from the mistakes
- focus
- Take my time and think about the shot
Is all this correct? How do I actually learn how to control my emotions? How can I figure out how to stay focused? Does anyone know of any mental drills to make these parts of my game better? Does anyone know anything else to help improve my mental game?