Simple understanding of weight shift

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By Ben Blalock

  • 7 Replies
  1. “Weight Shift” is a popular discussion in the world of golf instruction these days. Is it really weight that we’re shifting when we swing? Are we actually shifting pressure? In reality, both happen.

    In this video, I’ll attempt to help you understand the following concepts:

    - Pressure shift as a response to the swinging of the arms and club. - What the arms actually weigh and what that means for your “weight shift”. - The proper weight shift is subtle, almost invisible, not overt or obvious. - The faster the arms swing, the faster the “weight” shifts in response. - The legs, trunk and core support the swing, as opposed to powering it. - The swing as a process of producing centrifugal force as opposed to an effort to apply leverage.

    Please enjoy and let me know if you have questions.

    Play your best, -BB

  2. Team Titleist Staff
    Great breakdown, Ben. I like your concept of swinging the arms around the body. One question - I have trouble over-swinging my arms. How can I keep them under control? What should I feel that lets me know that I've swung back far enough and my backswing is complete?

    Thanks again!
  3. Hi Rick,

    Thanks for your comments and question!

    Overswinging is really a tough one to figure out. I'll just say that finding the answer I'll share here has taken years of research and experimentation, involving physics, biology and psychology. I'm no professor, but I've spent time talking to some of those guys to develop my concept for the swing. It all started with trying to figure out over-swinging...

    So, at the end of the day, only 1 of our 5 senses is capable of reacting to the physics produced by the swing in the time it takes to make the downswing - on average, about 0.2 seconds. That sense is your sense of touch, and it's accuracy is a delicate thing. Your sensitivity and the accuracy of what you feel through the fingers is heightened with lower grip pressure and is diminished with heavier grip pressure. Accelerating the club at any point (over-swinging), whether at the takeaway or at the start down, will always be accompanied by an increase in grip pressure. To overcome this issue, do the following:

    1. Begin the swing with the club head slightly elevated or suspended off the ground. Do this through posture, not the arms.
    2. Monitor your hand pressure throughout the motion - it should stay CONSTANT, and LOW.
    3. Practice these concepts incessantly, starting with small shots on and around the greens and working your way back to the driver.

    PS - You'll know the backswing is complete when you feel the weight of the club move from your fingers to the thumb of your top hand (left hand for right handed golfers, right hand for leftys).

    Thanks again and play your best,

  4. Bill L

    Bill L
    Spring, TX

    Seems so simple when properly executed.
  5. Hey Bill-

    You’re right, it’s simple to understand, but tough to do.

    The answers lie in balance, stability, a gradual acceleration rate and grip pressure constancy.

    Thanks for commenting!

  6. BCH


    Great explanation Ben!
  7. Team Titleist Staff
    Thanks very much, Ben! I'll give that a shot.
  8. I have issues with chipping. I either leave chips short or skull them. My contact is inconsistent. Any thing that can help me?

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