The situation we are in...

Follow Thread

By Skip Guss

  • 12 Replies
  1. Skip Guss

    Skip Guss
    Marlborough, MA

    I miss: Students

    Teaching & Coaching

    Playing the game I absolutely love!

  2. Skip Guss

    Skip Guss
    Marlborough, MA

    Other things I miss:

    Hitting "shots"...different trajectories & curves...with my brand new 620CB irons and Pro V1x golf balls.

    What do YOU miss during this time?
  3. Earl D

    Earl D
    tallahassee, FL

    Starting my new tasks as a high school golf coach
  4. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    I miss:
    playing as often as I would "normally" be playing this time of year.
    the sound of the ball hitting the bottom of the cup.
    post round rounds with my playing partners
    practicing on the days I'm not on the course

    In general, pretty much everything about golf!!!
  5. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

  6. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    My entire life revolved around golf. Playing, practicing and socializing. I typically spent 40 hours a week, or more, at the course (where I'm a full time member) or in the pro shop or clubhouse. Due to my profession as a freelance writer, I'm usually able to do most of my work during the early morning hours and/or in the evenings, so consequently, spending lots of time at the course has been my routine for years. It's in my blood. It's who I am.

    Unfortunately, like many of you, I have been stuck home now for nearly a month. It was truly a big shock to my system the first couple weeks. I've settled in a bit more since, but can't seem to focus now, on anything. Even though I have a big backyard and have been practicing chips, pitches and even full wedge shots (up to about 120 yards) most days, I feel my golf mojo is just slipping away. I miss hitting my TS2 driver dead down the middle, or punch-drawing my T200 7 iron around a tree, or that awesome feeling I get when hitting my 818H2 hybrid off a 200-yard par 3 tee to pin high. There's no substitute for that. I'm even beginning to lose interest going to my everyday golf sites online, or doing golf research. I feel like, "What's the point?"

    As much as I want this all to be over so MY golf life can go back to normal, I feel far worse for all those who have suffered so much more devastating loss than me. Yes, I lost my golf life for the time being. It hurts. But, I've learned to put everything in perspective. And that helps me get through each day without golf, and frankly, has me realizing that some things are far more important.

    When it's SAFE to go back, I will go back. I realize though, I won't be able to simply just pick up where I left off (I was playing very well at that point) when I do. I will just be satisfied to get back at it, ease back in and most importantly stay safe. My game will come back sooner or later.....I hope.
  7. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Hang in there Doug, and everybody else. Won't be long now.
  8. David B

    David B
    Marshfield, MA

    I too miss it all. Even beyond the stuff I miss in my own game, I miss the time spent on the course with my dad and friends. Seeing them hit a good shot or get hyped up after sinking a birdie putt always put a smile on my face. Love the support I get from them so I always try to return the favor.
  9. I miss it all. Missing being outside, being with friends, walking the course, thinking through a round, telling stories in the grill room after the round over a beer, the heckling via group text during the week, just to have it all start over again the following weekend.

    I miss watching golf on TV, practicing, running to the putting green after work to get in 30 minutes worth of practice.

    Golf is a huge part of my life. Mostly, i miss taking my 7 year old to the practice hole we have and the range. She is starting to get a love for the game as well and is asking when we can go back out.

    Hopefully "normal" returns soon.

    Be safe
  10. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    You all make so many good points! I miss it all man. Its been tough out there for everyone. I just want to be able to see the flight of a ball in the air.
  11. Steve S

    Steve S
    Tuckerton, NJ

    I miss the golfers. Still working on the maintenance side of the game. Spring is a really busy time in the Northeast on a golf course. So much to do, to get ready. But to work every day, and never seeing any golfers is surreal. In 25 years, I've never seen anything like it. Hopefully this we all be a bad memory soon!!
    Play Well,
    Steve S.

  12. Rich K

    Rich K
    winston-salem, NC

    I've been very fortunate here in North Carolina. My course is open, and I'm playing as much as I can. With a few modifications, the course is the most normal place I go. I do miss hanging out a bit after playing, and just the overall feeling of "normal".
  13. My club is linked to a college so it decided to close for the season and refunded me. I will still play other courses but will miss the beauty of my home course, friends I made there, the food, and the less than 4 hour rounds most of all!

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