Good Stuff from the TT short game session

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By Don O

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  • 5 Replies
  1. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I really heard a lot of tips from Parker McLachlin. Alas, I didn’t have a way to take notes and I won’t see bunkers again until March. Some pearls for me included -

    Swing more like 9-3 with wrist hinges. Wider stance in softer sand, narrower stance with heavier sand for a steeper angle of attack. Use bounce in any account. Have different bounce options based on fairway/bunker conditions. Less bounce for heavier sand and hard/type ground conditions. Straight up wedges can only get you so far. Open face (assuming practice) will improve short game more. Keep ball towards center of stance for pitching. Learn to use 8-P irons for longer pitches rather than trying to deloft a 48-52 wedge with ball back in stance.

    I need anyone to help with chipping pearls from his presentation. If anyone can add.

    And can I ever break my awful habit of flipping my wrists to loft the ball? It never works, I never take a practice stroke that way but then it just happens. Invariably resulting in a bladed shot over the green. sigh.

  2. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    He had some really good tips. I have tried a couple since getting home. The opening the face in the bunker was a definite help. If anyone follows The Golfers Journal on YouTube, they have a whole series of videos with Parker talking about short game tips. Really interesting stuff.
  3. JoeyD


    Don O said:

    I really heard a lot of tips from Parker McLachlin. Alas, I didn’t have a way to take notes and I won’t see bunkers again until March. Some pearls for me included -

    Swing more like 9-3 with wrist hinges. Wider stance in softer sand, narrower stance with heavier sand for a steeper angle of attack. Use bounce in any account. Have different bounce options based on fairway/bunker conditions. Less bounce for heavier sand and hard/type ground conditions. Straight up wedges can only get you so far. Open face (assuming practice) will improve short game more. Keep ball towards center of stance for pitching. Learn to use 8-P irons for longer pitches rather than trying to deloft a 48-52 wedge with ball back in stance.

    I need anyone to help with chipping pearls from his presentation. If anyone can add.

    And can I ever break my awful habit of flipping my wrists to loft the ball? It never works, I never take a practice stroke that way but then it just happens. Invariably resulting in a bladed shot over the green. sigh.

    Need help to stop flipping? Think about the ring finger and middle finger on your trail hand. Feel those two fingers pull the grip back in the back swing and feel them keep on pulling back in the downswing and through impact. Everyone I tell that to is shocked at the immediate results. If that works for you then this will blow your mind... do the same thing in your full swing and see what happens! Never had anyone tell me this just a little nugget I learned on my own for my swing...your mileage may vary.
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    It’s an issue in the last 6 inches …between my ears. I can make 6 or more solid practice strokes, then lose my good presence of mind and flip wrists.
    I know it is a lack of confidence in my stroke. Committing to the practice stroke with any doubt leads to my age old flipping stroke in real time. Fear of failure. Getting better, but should take a few more deep breaths until I’m fully committed.
  5. I believe there were a few Short Game Chef videos posted here earlier in the year in a thread.

    I remember more of the chipping technique: shallow swing, body rotation swing, to keep shallow head stays low, bigger swings club head gets behind hands to keep shallow, feet about a club head apart, ball inside feet but closer to trail heel. Goal is not necessarily to hit ball first, but by not being steep it avoids chunks and topping the ball.
  6. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Much appreciated. Good keys to add to my notes My first lessons years ago used the KISS method. I’m willing to add more wrist hinging and opening the face more - and practicing. Made sense to not set the ball far back in my stance as I have been led to believe. Encourages a steeper angle of attack.

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