Setup 101: Woods

Follow Thread

By LBest

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  1. Hitting perfect wood shots in golf requires a combination of technique, focus, and practice. Let's break it down for different types of wood clubs:

    1. **Fairway Woods (3-wood, 5-wood, etc.)**: - **Ball Position**: Place the ball slightly forward in your stance. - **Smooth Swing**: Focus on a smooth, controlled swing rather than excessive speed. - **Visualize**: Imagine hitting multiple balls in a row, keeping the swing low and close to the ground. - **Solid Contact**: Make sure you strike the ball cleanly and sweep it off the ground. ⁴⁶

    2. **7 Wood**: - **Alignment and Stance**: Ensure correct alignment and stance. - **Tempo**: Maintain a smooth tempo throughout your swing. - **Weight Transfer**: Transfer weight during the swing. - **Eye on the Ball**: Keep your eye on the ball until after impact. ⁷

    3. **3 Wood**: - **Aim Slightly Left**: If you're right-handed, aim slightly left due to the 3 wood's natural fade bias. - **Smooth Swing**: Swing smoothly and in control. - **Descending Blow**: Strike the ball with a descending blow to control trajectory. ⁸

    Remember, practice is essential! Spend time on the range working on these fundamentals, and you'll improve your wood shots. ️‍♂️

    If you'd like more specific drills or additional tips, feel free to ask!

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