Scotty Cameron Studio Select Story

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By Aloha Bruce

  • 6 Replies
  1. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    I'm a member of TCC and I'm proud to say that I've had two kids selected as Cameron Kids a program which isn't around anymore. Anyway the other day I found out that my first Cameron Kid was one of 80 Jr. golfers selected to play in the 2015 Nature Valley First Tee Champions Tour tournament at Pebble Beach this year. His putter of choice will be the Studio Select, which is the one worked on and cutomized for him by the man himself Scotty Cameron. Scotty did all the stamping, paintfill, grip installation and adding the shaft band. Oh and Scotty also signed the headcover too.

  2. Steve M

    Steve M
    Hatboro, PA

  3. Bruce S, That Jr. golfer is one LUCKEY MAN!!!! Hope he does you and Scotty PROUD! steve b
  4. Steve B

    Steve B
    Centerville, IN


    Great Bruce,

    Good luck to your son.  I hope he plays well.  He should putt well at least with that stick!!  

  5. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Thanks for the nice comments and I should have explained that the Cameron Kid program was designed where someone would nominate a kid who you thought was deserving of a putter with custom paintfill, stamps, bandshaft, grip and headcover, initially all the putters were worked on by Scotty. The putters were then presented to the kid in different ways to suprise them. Here's a picture of Scotty with the putter and headcover.

  6. Ryan Crysler

    Ryan Crysler
    West Palm Beach, FL

    Awesome story!  Wish that program was still around!

  7. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Ryan Crysler said:

    Awesome story!  Wish that program was still around!

    Me too! It was a great program and I was lucky enough to have my two nominations selected as a Cameron Kid's

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