My Scotty Cameron Golo 5 has rust

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  • 2 Replies
  1. CM


    My Scotty Cameron Golo 5 2014 has some light rusting on the bottom of the head. I am wondering how to remove this rust without taking off the finish or scratching the metal?

  2. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Maybe try bar keepers friend or Brasso very carefully
  3. Chris G

    Chris G
    Washington, UT

    The GoLo putter is made of 303 Stainless steel and Aluminum according to the website. I doubt that the stainless portion of the putter is rusting as 303 stainless contains very little carbon steel, carbon steel will rust.

    My question wouldn't be "how do I clean the rust off" but, my question would be to Scotty Cameron as to why you are seeing rust on a stainless steel and aluminum putter?

    The only thing I can think of is that the weights may have some carbon steel in them or the threaded inserts for the weights is made from carbon steel.

    I would talk to SC about this issue. My $.02

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