M&G Membership JAPAN

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  • 10 Replies
  1. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    I recently was lucky enough to receive an invite to join the Cameron Club in Japan. I think they call it M&G for museum and Gallery. From what I researched, it looks like it will cost $285 with shipping to for the member package to join. It looks like the higher demand items like bags and such are based on a lottery system. Due to the time zone change, does anyone know how long the lottery is open for? Or is it like the US club when you only get a few hours? I'm deciding if it's worth the effort and expense to join. Would be great to add a different "flavor" to my collection but ...

  2. I have been a member for many years and the process continues to evolve it seems like every couple of years...the lottery on each item is listed with an ending time/date. Usually it is a couple of days at most...sometimes shorter. The drops happen in the middle of the night USA time that do not have a lottery. The lotteries I have never had a problem getting in on...just sign up as soon as you get the email.

  3. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    I appreciate it Chris. Thanks for the info. Just sent in my payment and made it official.
  4. BK

    Williston, VT

    Getting into the Lotteries is easy peasy

    Now winning them, not so much
  5. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Agreed! So far since my membership I'm 0-4 on the drops and 0-2 on the lottery entries. Got all year to hope!
  6. Dino S

    Dino S

    DK and Chris - I am watching the M&G site and it looks like between March 4 and March 16th is the window to put in for a lottery to get a Japan membership. Is that true its a lottery to get the membership.
  7. Brandon L

    Brandon L
    Tea, SD

    Did you find info for 2025 on the site? Or are you going based in the 2024 dates listed on the site right now?

    I’d like to try for membership too if they open it up.
  8. Dino S

    Dino S

    Brandon - the window for the lottery for a membership is open now. It looks like they will email on or around March 24 if you're chosen for a membership.
  9. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Invites just went out if anyone is interested. Check their site for the link.
  10. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    I believe that is how it works Dino. Last year was the first time I was able to join. I entered and was first declined but then about 2 weeks later, I received an invite to join and jumped on it. So far, I have only been lucky enough to purchase 1 item (towel) and it is much more expensive considering the yen to dollar conversion rate and shipping from Japan to US. I probably won't bother this year if given the chance.
  11. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I joined last year for the first time. The member kit was cool, the putter cover had a bunch of mini ninjas on it. The others people that have responded are correct the lotteries and no easier to win.

    Good luck getting a membership.

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