Scotty Putter Weights

Follow Thread

By Dan S

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  • 4 Replies
  1. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    I put 15g weights in my 35 in. Scotty's GoLo 6. It has helped me with tempo and head stabilization. My normal course has fast greens. But since on slow greens a lighter putter help, I'm considering buying the same putter because I love it and have one with 10g, and one with 15g. (rather than change them back and forth if I play on slow greens somewhere) Anyone else ever do this?

  2. Kind of, i have 2 putters with 350 gram heads, one is 34 inches tall and the other is 35, i go back and forth with what’s working.
  3. Yes, I sometimes move around between my gamers different weights...most of my putters are similar or same in length. It really depends on the weight of the grip I am using on each one as to what amount of weight to put in the sole....great that we have that flexibility with SC putters!

  4. Dino S

    Dino S

    That seems like a good idea but might get cumbersome carrying 2 putters to see how the greens are. I would stick with the putter that fits the greens you play more often than not IMHO. Just my 2 cents.
  5. Dan S

    Dan S
    Westchester, IL

    Don't carry 2, just my usual, until I travel for a league I'm in.

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