#2020 Challenge

Follow Thread

By Ralph H

  • 11 Replies
  1. So it’s the year 2020, a reflective number. I view it as a chance to start your year off well and who knows change someone’s life. I look at the number as you get what you give. I started this #2020 challenge, to see how many people out there would pay it forward ,for no reason at all but to see a smile. It doesn’t have to be anything big, just do something for no reason at all and tell the person to pass it along. To date I’ve, stepped in a line of about 5-6 people at a coffee shop and paid for the whole lines coffee, paid the toll for the person behind me, paid for breakfast for two military personnel in line and thanked them for their service, gave a family a gift card to a restaurant with a large balance and said enjoy dinner with your family. When golf season rolls up I’ll be paying for range buckets and just handing some out just because. We need to do more good stuff like this on and off the course. Whose up to taking a #2020 challenge?

  2. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    I have given a sleeve of Pro V1 balls to High School players I have seen on the range so they at least have a quality ball to play with at their meet. I have also bought an extra bucket of range balls & told the manager to give it to the next person who came in wanting range balls. These things are really simple things but can be so meaningful to the one who receives it.

    Great Post Ralph,

  3. Way to go DM that’s awesome
  4. Great post! While not necessarily a pay it forward move one thing I do was influenced by something I heard Peter Jacobson does at every event he plays in - and while I am not a celebrity in the golf world, I still follow his example: after a tournament or even a casual round I make a point to go into the pro shop and thank the staff for having us, tell them the course was fantastic and we had a great time etc. I have worked at different courses and you would be surprised at how no one does this, but they work hard to get a tournament organized or just the daily functions of a normal day. A little acknowledgement goes a long way especially to the most thankless job at the course - the greenskeeper. Peter Jacobson would make the rounds thanking everyone from the head pro to the locker room attendant- signing autographs if asked. Little things can make a big impact, at junior tournaments for my kids I make sure they thank the staff in the pro shop for letting them have their tournament on their course, hopefully it will be ingrained in them as something you just do after every round even into adulthood.
  5. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Always down to spread positivity in this world!
  6. Corey F

    Corey F
    Hanahan, SC

    Good post. Will make an effort to do something this weekend.
  7. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Great idea......
  8. Chris P

    Chris P
    Katy, TX

    I find myself doing things like this out of the blue. Whether it’s coffee, or a meal. Last week I bought extra tokens for the range ball machine and filled up a few extra buckets to hand out.
    It’s always good to help one another and put a smile on someone’s face.
  9. Darren B

    Darren B
    Stuart, VA

    Great post! I’m in for the challenge. I occasionally pay for someone’s meal but I never thought about paying it forward at the golf course.
  10. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    Some great ideas in this thread and I aim to do something good for someone soon...
  11. Steve S

    Steve S
    Tuckerton, NJ

    Hey Dave M, love the fact that you stop in and thank the staff. After working at the same muni for 24 years, I can tell you how much it means. So much work goes into just getting the course ready every day. The pro shop and the maintenance staff must work together daily to have things run smoothly. I'm sure you make their day when you acknowledge the hard work. God knows they hear enough when things aren't perfect. Thanks!! Great idea for 2020. We should all add a little something to make someone's day.
    Play Well
    Steve S.
  12. Alex N

    Alex N

    Thanks for the inspiration! It’s hard to remember sometimes that there are still good people in this world because we are surrounded by so much negativity in the news and social media. But those good people are out there and are the silent majority. Time to pass it on!

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