Follow Thread

By Elson C

  • 22 Replies
  1. Elson C

    Elson C

    With the CODIV-19 front and center on the news, a few things have changed for the near future. Here in Michigan, my son's school is closed for the next 3 weeks, my work has mandated us to work from home until further notice (I am not complaining about that). I just on the news stories about people fist fighting for toilet paper on big box stores. I do hope everyone is well and safe out there. From the players to the masters we are seeing cancelations or being postponed. At the end of the day, I hope that people who have been exposed get well and fully recover. Stay safe and healthy and if anyone gets to the course, hit well and have fun.

  2. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    I have a buddies trip to Bandon in less than month and there are concerns with one member of our group regarding the COVID-19 issue. As of 2 days ago, there are no known COVID-19 infections in Coos County, OR. We've been doing this trip for years and I suspect the environment at the resort will be different from years past.
  3. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Can't imagine a safer place to be. Employees are all local and as long as the rooms are cleaned from previous travelers, should be less chance of exposure than in you local home town. Have fun and play some golf. Take your mind off the worries of the world for a few day. Love that place!
  4. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Dale V said:

    Can't imagine a safer place to be. Employees are all local and as long as the rooms are cleaned from previous travelers, should be less chance of exposure than in you local home town. Have fun and play some golf. Take your mind off the worries of the world for a few day. Love that place!

    My group just canceled our Bandon trip. We contacted the resort today and from the sounds of things, the place will be a ghost town. Resort guests will not be able to go to restaurants or bars in the resort. All food and beverages will be offered in a take-out/grab and go basis. In addition, they will have limited menu items (some menu items which Bandon is famous for may not be available). The buffet breakfast at the Gallery (I'm a big fan of their breakfast buffet...great place to load up for a 36 hole day) is a no go. The resort is also asking (almost requiring) all guests to return to their rooms after their rounds to minimize socializing and maintain social distancing. If we went, this wouldn't be the Bandon I know and love. Luckily, the resort is allow us to reserve the same time in 2021 (normally you can only book 1 year in advance) so, that's the consolation prize I guess. Stay safe everyone. Hopefully the TTI in October is still on.
  5. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Dale V said:

    Can't imagine a safer place to be. Employees are all local and as long as the rooms are cleaned from previous travelers, should be less chance of exposure than in you local home town. Have fun and play some golf. Take your mind off the worries of the world for a few day. Love that place!

    My group just canceled our Bandon trip. We contacted the resort today and from the sounds of things, the place will be a ghost town. Resort guests will not be able to go to restaurants or bars in the resort. All food and beverages will be offered in a take-out/grab and go basis. In addition, they will have limited menu items (some menu items which Bandon is famous for may not be available). The buffet breakfast at the Gallery (I'm a big fan of their breakfast buffet...great place to load up for a 36 hole day) is a no go. The resort is also asking (almost requiring) all guests to return to their rooms after their rounds to minimize socializing and maintain social distancing. If we went, this wouldn't be the Bandon I know and love. Luckily, the resort is allow us to reserve the same time in 2021 (normally you can only book 1 year in advance) so, that's the consolation prize I guess. Stay safe everyone. Hopefully the TTI in October is still on.
  6. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The situation is extremely fluid. Even at 70, I'm not making any decisions on travel for 3-4 weeks from now. We'll (finally) know more about the incidence by locale and a relative risk to fly into various airport. At a week out you'll know more about the risk. If the situation gets as bad as Italy is currently, going won't even be an issue at that time. ...You won't.

    And in less than 5 weeks, I'm now monitoring carefully for the International event in the Dominican Republic. Only concerned at this time.
  7. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The day after this was posted, the International program was rescheduled until 2021. Looks like the airline ticket will be held as credit as they are not booking beyond 2020 right now and the direct lines are tied up for those still attempting to travel.

    Hoping the TT event in October will be sign of returning normalcy.
  8. Goldpanner

    Trail, BC

    The Province of British Columbia is recommending against any travel to the US as of this week. This will cut down on some golf trips this summer.

    Better safe than sorry....
  9. Alex N

    Alex N

    It’s truly a shame that so many things are being canceled and postponed. My wife and I were supposed to be leaving this morning to go to Thailand for 10 days. I was looking forward to this trip and was going to play a round while in Bangkok so I could mark Thailand off my countries played list. But I think the decisions that are being made around the world are the right ones. In order for life to get back to normal there are certain precautions we must take to slow the spread of things. I’m not going to let it stop me from continuing to work on my game. Even if that means I have to stay home and hit 1,000 putts! Stay safe and healthy, TT!
  10. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    The Carolinas Golf Association cancelled all events until April 5th. I guess better safe than sorry.
  11. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Hey everybody. this stuff is for real. Until this country gets a handle on this and we mitigate this thing, I think we should all take a deep breath, stay put and enjoy playing wherever we call home. Like any other crisis that this country has ever faced, we'll eventually lick this and come out just fine on the other end. Everyone's health and well being should come first and foremost. Stay well everyone.
  12. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Frank P said:

    Hey everybody. this stuff is for real. Until this country gets a handle on this and we mitigate this thing, I think we should all take a deep breath, stay put and enjoy playing wherever we call home. Like any other crisis that this country has ever faced, we'll eventually lick this and come out just fine on the other end. Everyone's health and well being should come first and foremost. Stay well everyone.

    Don't wanna be "licking" too many things these days LOL! ;)
  13. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Just received an email from Holiday Travels, our travel agent and all of their international trips have been cancelled thru the end of May. We have a trip to the Rhine River scheduled in mid June for 12 days thru Switzerland, Germany, France and Holland. If it is extended and cancelled, so be it. My family's safety is more important. We are retired and can always go another time. We take a few group tours with them out of Charleston and they are first class. No worries on canceling.
  14. Here in Everett Washington the mayor just shut down the public courses until further notice. It isn't going to be good if that idea spreads.
  15. Michael JC

    Michael JC
    Orwell, VT

    Now, that is not good news!
  16. David T

    David T
    Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

    Flew home to Michigan from Florida on Saturday after a weeks vacation. Was nice to play outside for the 1st time in 4 months. Honestly wasn't very restful given all the news and the stock market tanking. My employer is having us all work from home so I'm hoping all the courses stay open (supposed to be 60* later this week). Our governor just closed all the bars and restaurants so I'm not to encouraged.
    Can't think of a safer place to be than outside hitting a Titleist around!
  17. Elson C

    Elson C

    David T said:

    Flew home to Michigan from Florida on Saturday after a weeks vacation. Was nice to play outside for the 1st time in 4 months. Honestly wasn't very restful given all the news and the stock market tanking. My employer is having us all work from home so I'm hoping all the courses stay open (supposed to be 60* later this week). Our governor just closed all the bars and restaurants so I'm not to encouraged.
    Can't think of a safer place to be than outside hitting a Titleist around!

    You and me both, I made sure that my stock of adult beverages is up to capacity at home, unfortunately I have not been cleared to play golf yet.
  18. richard f

    richard f

    Not much is really happening over here in the uk right now , we just have to avoid large groups , bars and restaurants
  19. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    If courses are closed it's going to be difficult for some to re-open.
    I would also assume there will be massive discounts for anything related to the golf consumer.
    Companies and Courses will be trying to regain lost revenue...this Covid-19 thing sucks!!!

    DR. K
  20. Jeff M

    Jeff M
    North Carolina

    Here in NC I don't think we have any confirmed cases in my county yet, but being cautious. Schools are shut for 2 weeks, could be more as things develop. I haven't heard of local golf courses shutting down yet, but my home club has enacted CDC recommended practices for clubhouse and dining ops. Probably only a matter of time before they move to takeout only and cease dine-in options. Also removed high touch items from the course, sand bottles and coolers from carts, water coolers, and bunker rakes (local rule is free relief from footprints and divots in sand). I normally walk so I'm not worried about sharing a cart with someone, but leaving the flagsticks in for now to avoid touching too much.
  21. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    Stay safe, everyone. Keep informed and follow all the guidelines.
  22. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Please remember this: CAUTION, not overreacting.......we do not need panic.....cheers
  23. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    In NorCal 7 Bay Area counties starting today have to shelter in place.
    Golf courses are closed except for the Monterey Peninsula

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