Ace? Need your opinion

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By Joshua B

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  • 20 Replies
  1. I recently just wrote about how my neighbor hit a hole in one the other day with a “butter cut” driver. I have been home from work due to the virus and got the itch to play nine at the local muni near me. I spoke with the groundskeeper waiting for my time to tee off and he told me about how they raised the cups up 1 1/2 inches so no one would touch the flagstick or pick the ball up outta the cup...just hit the cup and call it a hole. So I get to the 1st par 3 (I am guessing you see where this is going) and it is about 142 to my rangefinder. I pull out an 8 iron as there is a little wind in my face and swing a good one. It hits 2 feet in front of the cup, hits the cup, then goes about 4 feet left of the cup (wasn’t sure what to do so I putt and tapped the cup for birdie). I feel like I know the answer but figured I’d this a hole in one or not? My twin has one and this would’ve been my 1st...just want to shush him and get that sweet Hole in One Titleist bag rag. Guys at the clubhouse we’re torn when I got back so not sure but leaning towards no. Appreciate any insight...

  2. Elson C

    Elson C

    This is a hard one, I would consider wheather or not that ball would have stayed on the cup if it had hit the flagstick or would still kick it out?
    On the end of the day, all you need is to be honest with your self.
  3. Alex N

    Alex N

    Aw man that is a tough question. Because it hit but there’s no telling if it hit the raised cup or the flagstick and kicked away I don’t think it counts unfortunately.
  4. My heart wants to say yes but my brain figures it’s probably a no I appreciate that feedback guys
  5. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I know how you feel, but if it does not go in the hole, it is not a hole in one...guess it would be like hitting the flag or bouncing out.........victim of the virus...with all due respect
  6. FRED L

    FRED L
    Centerport, NY

    Technically I would say YES since cup was raised as a local rule!!
  7. FRED L said:

    Technically I would say YES since cup was raised as a local rule!!

    I like the way you think!
  8. Rick A

    Rick A
    Roseburg, OR

    Did you make the birdie putt? ;)
  9. Rick A said:

    Did you make the birdie putt? ;)

  10. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Sorry Joshua, that is not only a tough call, but really bad timing. Who knew if the cup was in it's normal position if the ball would have dropped?

    Unfortunately, I agree with Chuck Z, and disagree with Fred, even if it is a local rule.The ball drops in a hole for 2 reasons; speed and direction. Your direction was perfect, but what about speed? Under normal circumstances, if the ball is going too fast and hits the flag, it might go in, or it might not.

    Sorry. If it were me, I'd sign for a 2 on the card, not a 1.
  11. So this brings to mind that old adage.... If a tree falls in the forest...? Tough call.
  12. Have it both ways, I say. On the one hand it's not a hole-in-one because -- obviously -- it didn't go in the hole (also, the fact that you even have to ask the question indicates to me that it didn't fully FEEL like a hole-in-one to you). On the other hand, if you never hit a hole-in-one from here on out, you can claim this one on your deathbed because you just KNOW that ball would have dropped if not for the raised cup.

  13. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    I'm not a big rules stickler but if asked to vote I'd have to vote no HIO. Sorry.
  14. Allen L

    Allen L
    Clarington, OH

    Hard to make a call on that one with that situation.

    Never heard of a course raising the cup above the ground. Technically, you would never hole out cause there is no hole? Hope courses don't start doing this, doesn't make any sense to me.
  15. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Allen L said:

    Hard to make a call on that one with that situation.

    Never heard of a course raising the cup above the ground. Technically, you would never hole out cause there is no hole? Hope courses don't start doing this, doesn't make any sense to me.

    It's only temporary during the corona virus for safety reasons. They do not want people reaching into the cups to pick up their golf balls. Some courses taking the flags out of the holes also. Makes sense to me. Some courses even playing three foot rule, pick it up. Lesson the chances of spreading the virus. No worries.
  16. Barry S

    Barry S
    Oakville, ON

    I also agree with the consensus you have been getting so far. Doesn't count as a hole in one.
  17. Jim C

    Jim C
    Duxbury, MA

    Not a HIO, consider this "rub of the green".
  18. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    No hole in one, sorry. The fact that the ball landed two feet before the hole, then hit either the raised cup or the pin on the first bounce (which I am assuming from your description), then ricocheted 4 feet off would make me think the chances of it going in at that pace would be low. (not nil, just low.) On the other hand, if the ball were slowly rolling at the hole and nudged the raised cup, ending up a foot away, I might give it the benefit of the doubt and claim I had a hole in one, but with an asterisk.
  19. John B

    John B
    Kenmore, NY

    Let the USGA look at it in high def, slow motion replay and give you an answer sometime next week - or is that only in majors they tell a guy he might be getting a penalty and we will let you know in a few holes.
  20. There are no wrong answers, the USGA counts it when the ball finishes in the hole. The local rules established the ball is holed when it touches the raised cup. Your scorecard for the day would be a 1 on that hole, however I don't believe the USGA would accept that local rule or any scores during this time period. Good story to have!
  21. Rick D

    Rick D
    Weston, WI

    My first hole in one wasn't official as it wasn't witnessed and I didn't play at least nine holes. I made a quick routing of 4 holes before going in to watch the Packer game. Not official, but I hit it and saw it go in. I know myself it was one, accept it as unofficial and ended up making an official one later during a round with witnesses. You'll get yours, too!

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