How are you doing?

Follow Thread

By Elson C

  • 18 Replies
  1. Elson C

    Elson C

    A simple question, how are you all doing? I know these are uncertain times and most of our lives have been affected. How are you guys dealing with it? How are you feeling both physically and emotionally? I am not a professional of any sort, but I am here to listen to you.

  2. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Thanks for asking. We are playing it safe and staying strong. Doing limited chores around the house, one a day, five pages of physical therapy in our exercise room and walking one mile a day. Staying in touch with my PT Dr once a week. Today week nine after back surgery. Watching old movies on Xfinity. Absolutely NO golf til around June. Autos are full of gas, in that the only place we go to is the grocery store and when we do on go the masks. Not overeating and drinking lots of water/powerade, sodas and staying away from alcoholic beverages. Drs saying overeating and drinking not a good release for stress. Mt Pleasant has become a hot spot for the virus in Charleston County, because of it being a hot shopping and tourist spot. Our mayor ordered the stay home policy prior to our governor. We are just hanging in there and wake up with a smile and looking forward to another great day hoping it will be over soon. Cheers to all and wishing you the best. Try to find articles on internet that make me laugh and share with others........
  3. Elson C

    Elson C

    Chuck Z said:

    Thanks for asking. We are playing it safe and staying strong. Doing limited chores around the house, one a day, five pages of physical therapy in our exercise room and walking one mile a day. Staying in touch with my PT Dr once a week. Today week nine after back surgery. Watching old movies on Xfinity. Absolutely NO golf til around June. Autos are full of gas, in that the only place we go to is the grocery store and when we do on go the masks. Not overeating and drinking lots of water/powerade, sodas and staying away from alcoholic beverages. Drs saying overeating and drinking not a good release for stress. Mt Pleasant has become a hot spot for the virus in Charleston County, because of it being a hot shopping and tourist spot. Our mayor ordered the stay home policy prior to our governor. We are just hanging in there and wake up with a smile and looking forward to another great day hoping it will be over soon. Cheers to all and wishing you the best. Try to find articles on internet that make me laugh and share with others........

    It seems like your wife and you are doing well Chuck, that makes me very happy.
    Lowering the stress level is the best thing you can do right now.
    Michigan just extended the state stay home mandate until the end of the month, which at this point changes nothing, since my work and the wife's work already extended ours until May 4th, our 11 years old school is closed for the remainder of the school year, so he is at home.
    The only unfortunate thing is that we are having to postpone the trip to Maryland, Leilla could be born any day now, but we are choosing to stay away so we do not put her in harm's way.
    But it is all good, we will visit as soon as we can.
    My home exercises and walks keep me busy, they are not the same as full PT, but at least I can take a few swings a day in the back yard.
    Per my doctor, all he needs to see is if there have been any changes in the fusion, which is unlikely.
    It wouldn't matter anyway since the courses are deemed not essential in Michigan and are all closed.
    Stay strong my friend.
  4. Hi mate . doing ok under the circumstances I suppose. doing plenty PT with my 14 yo lad and using my garden campervan awning as a golf net so still swinging away. actually finding some number improvements. a mix of speed training and working on core, flexibility and some hip exercises I usually ignore is prob why. using all this to forget about poss money and job worries but most of us in the same boat I suppose. aviation fire fighter so airport opening for random mail flights. just looking forward to the end of all this. stay strong and safe everyone.

    How are you doing mate ?
  5. Elson C

    Elson C

    Michael B said:

    Hi mate . doing ok under the circumstances I suppose. doing plenty PT with my 14 yo lad and using my garden campervan awning as a golf net so still swinging away. actually finding some number improvements. a mix of speed training and working on core, flexibility and some hip exercises I usually ignore is prob why. using all this to forget about poss money and job worries but most of us in the same boat I suppose. aviation fire fighter so airport opening for random mail flights. just looking forward to the end of all this. stay strong and safe everyone.

    How are you doing mate ?

    I am glad you can keep your self occupied Michael, the biggest challenge for some of my coworkers is to find something to keep busy, I try talking on texting them on a daily basis to see how they are doing.
    My wife and I choose to keep our house routine the same, we get up at the same time every morning as if we were driving to work, our son is also up at the same time as if he was going to school and we mimic our daily lives on the same, her and I still are able to do some work from home and we have our son take virtual classes, we have found that the "normalcy" makes it easy to cope with what is going on.
    I also keep busy feeding the ducks and bunnies from the nature preserve next door that come into our yard, there are even some deer, but those don't cross the street very often.
    On a side note, I have always wanted to be an aviator my self, just never had the opportunity to learn how to fly.
  6. FRED L

    FRED L
    Centerport, NY

    THANKS for asking - Hope all on here are doing well and staying safe. Still working here in NYC as I am essential in telecommunications keeping services up for business' on fiber ops.
  7. Elson C

    Elson C

    FRED L said:

    THANKS for asking - Hope all on here are doing well and staying safe. Still working here in NYC as I am essential in telecommunications keeping services up for business' on fiber ops.

    We are well, stay safe out there Fred, I know NYC is a hotspot right now, Detroit is too, we are staying safe and staying away from people as much as we can, usually, if we need something I am the one to go to the store, I cover my face and hands, and go string to the shower when I get back home, trying to keep any germs I pick up away from the family.
    Thank you for being out there to keep people connected.
  8. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    A-OK physically. Following stay-at-home orders. My club is shutdown 'til further notice, so no golf. Some of the public courses in the area are still open but I'm not taking any chances so I'll wait it out. Take an early morning walk and watch movies and sports replays. Take a ride in my golf cart around the development where I live in the afternoon to relive cabin fever while maintaining social distancing. Have 9 foot ceiling in the garage so thinking of getting a mat and some foam golf balls from Dick's which has curbside service. Keeping my chin up and hopefully can be back on the course in May.
  9. Elson C

    Elson C

    Frank P said:

    A-OK physically. Following stay-at-home orders. My club is shutdown 'til further notice, so no golf. Some of the public courses in the area are still open but I'm not taking any chances so I'll wait it out. Take an early morning walk and watch movies and sports replays. Take a ride in my golf cart around the development where I live in the afternoon to relive cabin fever while maintaining social distancing. Have 9 foot ceiling in the garage so thinking of getting a mat and some foam golf balls from Dick's which has curbside service. Keeping my chin up and hopefully can be back on the course in May.

    Frank that is the right attitude at this though times.
    As I mention on other replies we are keeping away as much as we can, I am using the order online and curb pick up as much as I can, avoiding stores and crowds at all costs too.
    Aside from the daily walks, I think I am about to order a bicycle so I can take longer rides on the Nature trail next door to us to help keep my mind out of worrying too much.

  10. Allen L

    Allen L
    Clarington, OH

    Well I'm doing fine. Age 72 and have never had a flu or even a cold, I do have allergy troubles and blood pressure problems. All of my pensions provide adequate income for me and the wife's life style, we travel a lot. So everything is fine... so far.
  11. Elson C

    Elson C

    Allen L said:

    Well I'm doing fine. Age 72 and have never had a flu or even a cold, I do have allergy troubles and blood pressure problems. All of my pensions provide adequate income for me and the wife's life style, we travel a lot. So everything is fine... so far.

    I am glad that you guys are doing Ok neighbor.
    I am also happy to know that this has not affected your income, we have a lot of friends and family that are affected, we help them as much as we can, especially the family in Brazil were the poverty rate is way higher than here and people really just barely make ends meet.
    Stay strong, stay safe and stay healthy
  12. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    Going crazy here. From playing or on-course practicing virtually everyday, to now, not having played or been allowed to go to the golf course for going on three weeks now, I am about to explode. We here in Maryland got the mandate on March 23rd. My last day on the course was the 22nd. I had 53 rounds of golf in by that point for 2020, not to mention many practice sessions.

    I have a large yard and in addition to spending lots of time keeping it up, I have been practicing wedge shots to multiple targets I have set up from 40-100 yards. My property goes about 130 yards behind my home, so I can safely hit full 58, 54, 50 and PWs. For longer clubs I've been using AlmostGolf balls which go about 1/3 distance of real ones. It's just nowhere near as satisfying.

    I don't know how much more of this layoff I can bear. Well, at least I'm staying safe. Hope you all are too.
  13. Elson C

    Elson C

    Doug E said:

    Going crazy here. From playing or on-course practicing virtually everyday, to now, not having played or been allowed to go to the golf course for going on three weeks now, I am about to explode. We here in Maryland got the mandate on March 23rd. My last day on the course was the 22nd. I had 53 rounds of golf in by that point for 2020, not to mention many practice sessions.

    I have a large yard and in addition to spending lots of time keeping it up, I have been practicing wedge shots to multiple targets I have set up from 40-100 yards. My property goes about 130 yards behind my home, so I can safely hit full 58, 54, 50 and PWs. For longer clubs I've been using AlmostGolf balls which go about 1/3 distance of real ones. It's just nowhere near as satisfying.

    I don't know how much more of this layoff I can bear. Well, at least I'm staying safe. Hope you all are too.

    I can imagine the shock, Doug, staying indoors so much is kind of maddening, but it is for a good cause right now.
    Hitting at the net is not satisfying at all, but I can only do what the doctor allows me to do at this point.
    I am going to take a look at those AlmostGolf balls.
    I keep on telling the wife one of these days we need to really look into buying a "farm". Something like 20 acres of land outside the city limits would do for me.
  14. Steve S

    Steve S
    Tuckerton, NJ

    Lucky enough to still be taking care of the golf course. Even though we've been closed going on 3 weeks now, and my crew getting cut in half. First time in 25 years I've ever seen it close, for this long anyway. We had just had 3 problem greens redone. Underground drainage, and completely re -sodded. It's such a shame, with the mild winter, and early spring here at the Jersey Shore, the course really looks great. Just realise how fortunate I am to still be working, and healthy. Hope all of the TT family can stay healthy until this all passes. Best wishes to you all!

    Play Well,
    Steve S.
  15. Elson C

    Elson C

    Steve S said:

    Lucky enough to still be taking care of the golf course. Even though we've been closed going on 3 weeks now, and my crew getting cut in half. First time in 25 years I've ever seen it close, for this long anyway. We had just had 3 problem greens redone. Underground drainage, and completely re -sodded. It's such a shame, with the mild winter, and early spring here at the Jersey Shore, the course really looks great. Just realise how fortunate I am to still be working, and healthy. Hope all of the TT family can stay healthy until this all passes. Best wishes to you all!

    Play Well,
    Steve S.

    I can imagine it did look great, we had daily mild winter in Michigan too, Steve, the grass doesn't look too bad and I every time I pass by the golf course it looks great, I can't wait to be out there.
    I think right now I would really enjoy taking care of a golf course.
    Stay safe out there too.
  16. Alex N

    Alex N

    Thanks for asking! I’ve been doing great up until yesterday. Yesterday was my birthday but it was also the first day my home course closed. Because I knew it was closing I played my birthday round all day the day before and got in 45 holes! We’re stationed overseas in Japan and the military base has gone into a lockdown mode and we aren’t allowed to leave base unless it’s essential. Thankfully there is a 9 hole par 3 course and driving range on base. I don’t use the driving range anymore because hitting off of mats hurts my elbow and hand. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to continue playing up to this point and hope it’s only for a short time we’re on lockdown.
  17. Elson C

    Elson C

    Alex N said:

    Thanks for asking! I’ve been doing great up until yesterday. Yesterday was my birthday but it was also the first day my home course closed. Because I knew it was closing I played my birthday round all day the day before and got in 45 holes! We’re stationed overseas in Japan and the military base has gone into a lockdown mode and we aren’t allowed to leave base unless it’s essential. Thankfully there is a 9 hole par 3 course and driving range on base. I don’t use the driving range anymore because hitting off of mats hurts my elbow and hand. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to continue playing up to this point and hope it’s only for a short time we’re on lockdown.

    Happy belated birthday Alex, today is actually my little sister's birthday, not so little she is 28, but still my kid sister.
    Thank you for your service.
    I also do not like the hitting mats, I don't like the feedback and feel from them.
    Stay safe out there.
  18. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    All good in Carlsbad!!!
    We are not getting outside much...on our 7th day in a row flattening the curve with soaking rain!!!
    My last day on a golf course playing was March 8th...I Don't expect to see the first tee until mid July...that's my prediction...bummer right. Playing lots of Garage games with the kids...Tennis against the walls and golf trick shots with practice balls.

    Dr. K
  19. Elson C

    Elson C

    Dr. Kovatchian said:

    All good in Carlsbad!!!
    We are not getting outside much...on our 7th day in a row flattening the curve with soaking rain!!!
    My last day on a golf course playing was March 8th...I Don't expect to see the first tee until mid July...that's my prediction...bummer right. Playing lots of Garage games with the kids...Tennis against the walls and golf trick shots with practice balls.

    Dr. K

    Good to know that all is good in Carlsbad Dr. K. the weather went from summer to winter to fall to spring yesterday here in Michigan and we might get some snow tomorrow, but it is all good, at least we get some time in the yard, feeding the ducks, squirrels, bunnies, and birds in that like to hang outback.
    right now we don't foresee the courses being open for another month, still got to get the final go-ahead from the doctor May 14th, so I can start taking more practice and actually play some golf.
    The best thing about the entire quarantine is the extra time with the family.

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