Just a thought....

Follow Thread

By Mike M

  • 17 Replies
  1. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    With everything going on in our world right now,golf,for me, is truly a sanctuary.I think I look forward to playing more so now, than at any time I can recall. With one of the most dangerous diseases facing humankind running rampant and the social temperature of society running a little high, we all need a place to chill. How lucky we as golfers to be able to tee it up and let it go, keeping the rest of the world at bay, even for only a few hours.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Agee Mike. Nice that golf courses were able to adjust and allow many of us to play again. It was always my place to "escape" but even more so these days. Hit'm straight and stay safe!
  3. Derek C

    Derek C
    Northern KY

    Well said Mike. Getting out on the course is a nice break from the real world.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Was able to get a round in two weeks ago with some buddies. Did choose to go with individual carts, to be on the safe side. But with the heat index hitting around 105* everyday, just not worth it. Need practice and to play but just sayin'. Normally play in a annual invitational two day tournament at Lake Santee about 45 minutes from here, but due to the virus will pass this year. They do not have enough carts for individual carts and the normal temperature up there the end of July can reach 100* without the humidity figured in. I has been brutal in the past.
    They have had carts riding around passing out ice towels. They are doing all the right things with box lunches vs lunches after each round and they will figure the champions after the final rounds and notify the winners by mail/email along with the certificates. The Director of Golf does a great job and has probably the best selection of FJs in the state of SC. That is what most winners spend the winnings on as well as Titleist golf bags and balls.
  5. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Chuck Z said:

    Was able to get a round in two weeks ago with some buddies. Did choose to go with individual carts, to be on the safe side. But with the heat index hitting around 105* everyday, just not worth it. Need practice and to play but just sayin'. Normally play in a annual invitational two day tournament at Lake Santee about 45 minutes from here, but due to the virus will pass this year. They do not have enough carts for individual carts and the normal temperature up there the end of July can reach 100* without the humidity figured in. I has been brutal in the past.
    They have had carts riding around passing out ice towels. They are doing all the right things with box lunches vs lunches after each round and they will figure the champions after the final rounds and notify the winners by mail/email along with the certificates. The Director of Golf does a great job and has probably the best selection of FJs in the state of SC. That is what most winners spend the winnings on as well as Titleist golf bags and balls.

    Chuck can you bring your own cart? Put it on a trailer , or borrow 1 if you don't have 1. Just my 2cents, I have done it before.
  6. Have you guys noticed the courses are busier, normal, or less busy than usual in the wake of this pandemic? My guess for Arizona is that it is busier than usual.
  7. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    Kurt E said:

    Have you guys noticed the courses are busier, normal, or less busy than usual in the wake of this pandemic? My guess for Arizona is that it is busier than usual.

    At the places where I've played since the cororo-viroro, the tee times have been spread apart with more minutes intervals. The practice tee have also been reduced. The cart fees are now $20-$25, and they are slowly encouraging to double up on a cart instead of singles. Some courses are also taking patrons to check in within 15 minutes of their tee times. Some courses do run out of carts by around 10:00 as most players elect to take a cart by themselves.

    With all that being said, the pro shop looks like it's busy and packed for the day, but the courses move freely within the longest round I've had at 4 hours and 15 minutes. I think there are lesser tee times being sold and played at those courses that I've played since- 12 different courses. There are definitely lesser available tee times and I'm sure it makes many think many courses are busier than before.
  8. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    With our state government keeping most everything open and everyone is heading here to play golf and to go to the beaches our numbers have spiked. One of our golf resorts at the Isle of Palms has closed due to the number of cases. Having those freedoms do come at a cost at times. If you are going to play, stay close to home and be safe. Traveling is not the best answer even through we are the number one tourist and golf destinations. The pandemic has shut down a number of businesses in the Charleston area. It is not getting better here. With respect.
  9. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    No place Id rather be than out on the golf course this year, or any year really!
  10. J.C.


    If golf is an escape before COVID. Now it is more of an escape. How many of y’all have seen some improvement in your game due to the pandemic.
  11. Nick.


    Sometimes i wonder what in the h*ll i would do without this game. Its literally the ONLY thing i do for fun.
  12. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Still playing 3 times a week even though we're in worse shape here in FL than anywhere else. I have my own golf cart so that part is good. Single carts are the rule here and they have plenty to go around. I just play then go home. Mask required in the clubhouse and golf shop.
  13. Rich K

    Rich K
    winston-salem, NC

    I play at least 9 holes almost everyday. There are times I take it for granted, and even get a bit bored. Since the pandemic, the course has been my happy place. Besides the gas station and the grocery store, It's about the only place I go. A lot of people must feel the same. The course is more crowded than ever. The parking lot looks like a weekend day every day.
  14. Steve S

    Steve S
    Tuckerton, NJ

    Hey folks , here in South Jersey we are busier than I ever remember in the last 25 years. I'm doing 10 hour days and a half day on Sunday at my course. Really miss enjoying everyone's post, but just too tired at the end of the day. Stay healthy everyone!
    Play well,
    Steve S.
  15. Courses have been busy in Florida. Normally the courses are not crowded this time of year with the snow birds having gone home and the summer heat setting in. But not so this year. I guess golf is a refuge for a lot of folks.
  16. Tom B

    Tom B
    Northborough, MA

    If it weren't for golf and my Harley, I'd be sitting in a corner babbling like Elmer Fudd. And I know we're all lucky to be able to play and not be sick. Stay Safe everyone, and be careful
  17. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    Golf courses are certainly busier now that's for sure....at least the ones I see... Yeah golf is definitely a respite from what is going on.... I'm just happy to be out there even if I'm having a bad round.
  18. Well said Mike. I think I am also really appreciating something I may have taken for granted, how much I enjoy the challenge and camaraderie of a round of golf.

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