On the course

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By Lori E

  • 23 Replies
  1. Lori E

    Lori E

    Question: do you feel you play better or worse when you play a round of golf with someone who plays at a beginner level or someone who plays only a couple times a year?

    And if there is a woman in the foursome do you play differently or have a different feel or demeanor about the game then when the foursome is all men? Not taking a survey, just curious really.

  2. Paul T

    Paul T
    alpharetta, GA

    Interesting question.

    I'd say in general - I am more focused to score well (more concentration on all shots) when I play with someone who is a better golfer than me.
    I am more casual when playing with a beginner - a loose shot happens more frequently.

    Also - when playing with the same people over time....for whatever reason, I may play better with a few people and worse with other people (regardless of their skill level)

    Female vs Male makes no difference.
  3. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    When I was younger and trying to prove myself still, I would place more pressure on myself when I was playing with someone who was far better than myself. Over time, this feeling has diminished and I am very comfortable with my own game.

    At the end of the day, we are all measure in the same manner... our score in relation to par. There will always be someone we can hit it further, putt better, stike irons better, etc... the goal is stay within you're own comfort zone to allow yourself to shoot the best score possible.

    I will play with anyone at any level as long as their course ettiquette and pace of play is up to par. Gender, age, etc are not a critieria I use to manage my playing partners. Enjoyment of the game and keeping it light is what it's all about.

    For what it's worth, I am a 1.6 index and a 45 year old male
  4. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    For me, it doesn't matter if it is a man, woman, youth, hacker, or accomplished player, I usually struggle a bit with a round when playing with someone for the first time. I'm sure it is mental, wanting to make a good impression and thinking too much about that and not about just playing my own game.
  5. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    For me.the better the playing partners, the better and/or more focused I become. I don't mind playing with women as long as they can play half way decently and keep up. No different than playing with men. If they are going to slow me down due to all the added shots and lost balls they have to deal with, I am would not thrilled about playing with those men either.

    I have been paired with women many times over the years and rarely does it turn into a negative experience. I have been paired with men, however, who I just could not enjoy myself with, whether it be due to personality or lack of ability.

    I remember, I was a beginner once. So, I try to be understanding...and helpful no matter which gender I play with. When it comes to beginners, though, I think I have a bit more tolerance for women newbies.

    Some of the best rounds I can remember I have been paired with a woman, or women, who can really play the game well. I truly enjoy when those situations come up.

    I once paired up out on the course with a female single who asked if she could play along with me. I was playing solo too and she was a hole ahead of me, but I guess I was coming up on her fast. It was at my home course where I'm a member. It was her first time there. A fairly new golfer, but she'd had taken a bunch of lessons and was serious about the game. She had athletic ability. Evidently a pretty good tennis player. In any case, we played that day and had a nice time. We became friendly, and now play at least 1/2 dozen times together every year. She plays sometimes with me and one of my other golf buddies, both at my course and at other area courses. It's always an enjoyable outing. In fact she has brought a golf girlfriend along to make up a foursome with my buddy and me on at least a couple occasions. So that worked out well. I gave it a chance and found out I liked playing with her. Gotta have an open mind.
  6. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    I'm one of probably many who plays with the same group of guys for the most part. My son just started golf in less than a year ago. When I'm with him, there's a lot of caddying I do for him, but not swing teaching or coaching. So for that matter, yes, some of my concentration are away from my game. But, I love our time together and he's getting better.

    Also, yes, I have been in a group with female golfers with their spouses, In the beginning, I would always forget that she has to tee off, too! That was awkward at times when I have to reverse the cart back to the tee. But after a while when the ribbing was coming from everyone including her, it's all the same game.

    Thanks for your post and the opportunity to respond.
  7. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I normally play in a senior men's league on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's. There are a number skill levels, personalities, etc. Normally no beginners nor those who play a couple of times a year and we do play at a recently redesigned muni, which is a challenge. I have a tendency to play with people I know and their sex makes no difference. At my age, my game does not change much whether I am playing a for a little cash, a casual or tournament round. I can go bipolar at any time during a round. Something I am working on after being off for a year and working my way back from surgery. Was so happy on Wednesday to shoot 82 with a 38 on the back nine. They finished redoing our course in December and we expect a full grow in by the spring and that will definitely help my weakness at this point, my iron game. When I travel, I just feel lucky to get a tee time and do my best to settle in with whomever I am playing with, make the best of the round and have some fun. After all, we do play golf for the love of the game? Who knows, I might be the higher handicapper in the group and they might not feel comfortable with me tagging along? Always play to your abilities and enjoy the rounds and it is ok to move up. With respect.
  8. Mitch B

    Mitch B
    Huntsville, Alabama

    I think it’s common for someone to struggle when playing with someone new, weather it’s a stranger or someone they know, but have never played golf with. For me, it doesnt matter if it’s a man or woman. Being comfortable is most important.
  9. dugue4


    I tend to play better with people I know. I guess I can play more relaxed.

    If I’m playing with a female, my play is about the same, but I’ll use less profanity
  10. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I usually tend to play slightly better when I'm playing with better players. That said I love playing with beginners as well, especially if they seek advice to help them play better, and by making a comment or two about their game, actually see an improvement during the course of the round.

    With respect to playing with a woman in the group, I tend to mind my manners and language a little more than I normally would.That said, as a public course player you often get paired with others. Last fall a friend and I, had the pleasure of playing with a young woman who was US Navy retired. She was in Naval Intelligence. She couldn't say too much about what she actually did, but I can tell you, the conversation having a few after the round drinks was pretty cool.

    By the way, she cursed more than I did, so I guess the language thing was moot....
  11. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    No difference for me. I've played long enough that during a casual round, I'm usually working on certain aspects of my game. I do enjoy the social part of golf. Yet, I also don't mind playing by myself; I usually have my portable Bluetooth speaker to keep me company.

    As for playing with someone at a different level, I generally like playing with golfer who are better than me. I try and learn from others.
  12. Rob E

    Rob E
    San Jose, CA

    I know my golf buddies would disagree with me but... I play better around strangers for some reason. When I go out as a single I play better than with my usual group. I’m not sure why. I don’t feel or act any differently around woman or men and I don’t notice a difference around beginners (unless they are really really slow). I do notice that when I play with really good players I don’t know, I can go either way. Its all mental for me. If good players try to talk to me about my game, that is the kiss of death for my swing and score. If its all non golf chatter, I’m good to go.
  13. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Good question. Age, gender, skill level does not matter to me. As long as the person can play at a reasonable pace, I'm fine. That's a facet that makes the game interesting and fun. I've met many great people over the years that were introduced to me by the starter.
  14. Chris B

    Chris B
    San Diego

    To me it doesnt really matter because I play with one person primarily and I focus on our game, not what the people we were paired with are doing. I, however, do prefer that people were paired with are reasonably on our level. Not that were scratch golfers, but we arent 20+ handicappers either. I really cant handle it when someone who can barely hit a ball sits in the fairway 200 yards out and waits for the group in front to clear the green just so they can hit their shot fat and only advance the ball 50 yards.
  15. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    Probably 80% of my rounds are played with my wife and I enjoy her company on the course immensely. She's was a complete beginner 15 years ago but since our move to NC from northern NY she has become much better as her rounds have increased. She's quite comfortable playing anywhere when we travel. We've been paired up with other couples, male twosomes, single males and occasionally (but not often) single females. It doesn't matter at all to me who we end up with as long as they respect the game and respect others. Don't be a jerk, have some golf etiquette, demonstrate basic social skills and let's enjoy the round together. It's only 4 or so hours and we'll probably not meet again! (but might)...
    10% of the time I play with a buddy who I met when he was paired with my wife and I while playing at a local course. We enjoy playing together as we are very equal in talent (or lack thereof). We win and lose a few bucks each time and we like to play different courses.
    The remaining 10% is when I'm the single!
    And I now realize I really didn't answer the question...so:
    1) I usually play about the same. I cannot turn it up a notch when playing with better players.
    2) Since I play mostly with a female, I don't see how I'm any different with a foursome of men.
    Thanks for a great question and sorry if I've rambled..
  16. Good company is good company, i dont care what your ability is, as long as you keep pace or at least have awareness and control your emotions all good in my book. As a better player (low single digit for over 25 years) most people i play with arent better than me so it doesnt bother me what your score is. If you are hot tempered, throwing clubs, cussing up a storm or down on yourself the whole time, i will probably tell you to go on ahead without me. In general, i think people act towards people the way they would act toward them off the course as well as on.
  17. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    I play better when paired with better player as it becomes a challenge to win, whether we're betting or not.

    I play they same with a woman in groups I do with men, just keep up the pace of play, which goes for anyone!
  18. Mark A

    Mark A
    Bayswater, VIC

    Really good question Lori.
    Firstly, when I was playing solely with low handicap golfers a few years back I managed to get my own handicap down to +1.4.
    Since becoming a member at a different club my handicap has slid back out to 3.0 at the moment but I’m enjoying my golf more, playing with a constant mix of handicap levels and gender.
    Having said that, I recently played in a ProAm challenge and my scores were 1 over, 2 over (weather was terrible) and 1 under. Playing with the professionals definitely upped my focus.
  19. Keith M

    Keith M
    Acworth, GA

    I tend to play better when I play with better players, maybe it's focus, not sure. Man or woman, doesn't really make a difference to me. I've had so few negative experiences when paired up with people I don't know.

    Most of my golf is played with my son, we usually one of the first groups teeing off at our club, so we don't get paired up. When I travel, which hasn't been in a while, I play when/where ever I can. Again, it's been incredibly rare that I have a bad experience. I ask the locals for advice on how to play holes or shots and have a good time.
  20. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    Either way when I play with someone else I tend to be more focused on my shots....I guess it's competitiveness. So I tend to play a little better The only thing that bothers me is if they don't observe etiquette. Repair divots, ball marks, etc.
    In all I just try and enjoy the day.
  21. There was a time when I had to go early as a single and just try to get a spot on the list. I would be paired with a wide variety of men and women of all abilities. I definitely like to be paired with someone who is a better golfer as I like the challenge, gender doesn't matter.

    That said, I do enjoy the group of guys I play with now on a regular basis. The camaraderie we enjoy with the inside jokes and gentle ribbing make the rounds that much more enjoyable. Our handicaps range from 9 to about 30 so there are always some surprises every week.

    One of my favorite games is a combined format of the high and low handicappers making a team. We play six holes of better ball, six holes of scramble and six of alternate shot. The saying that came out of the alternate shot that we repeat often, "I've never played this hole from here before".
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