Watch: No Laying Up Visits TPI and Dives into the Body-Swing Connection

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 8 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Watch as D.J., Casey and Cody from No Laying Up visit the Titleist Performance Institute for a detailed physical assessment from Dr. Greg Rose as it relates to the nuances in the body swing connection. Together, they devise some individually tailored solutions to improve mobility and longevity in their golf games.

    And if you're like me... after watching you are going to want to get a TPI assessment as soon as possible to start unlocking some gains in your game. So here is a link to help you find a TPI Certified coach near you:

  2. Shrek74

    Fairfield Glade

    This was so good!! I also watched the 2 part videos from Chasing Scratch on their visit. Life changing stuff from Dr. Rose.
    Now I need to look into making a trip out to meet with Dr. Rose and see what he can do to change my golf life. If only I could find details on that.
  3. Shrek74

    Fairfield Glade

    This was so good!! I also watched the 2 part videos from Chasing Scratch on their visit. Life changing stuff from Dr. Rose.
    Now I need to look into making a trip out to meet with Dr. Rose and see what he can do to change my golf life. If only I could find details on that.
  4. Shrek74

    Fairfield Glade

    It was a great video. As was the Chasing Scratch 2 part videos on their trip to TPI and Dr. Rose.
    Now I need to plan a trip to TPI to meet with Dr. Rose for the full assessment and such, along with fittings.
  5. Alex N

    Alex N

    The advances one can make in their golf swing because of TPI is astonishing! Getting fitted for clubs is cool and all. But there’s nothing I want more than to visit TPI and go through an evaluation like this. Not only to improve my game but improve my longevity in the game. Dr Greg is a wealth of knowledge and I can only dream of how awesome it would be to learn about my own body and how it works. It brought a smile to my face towards the end of this video to see how excited they were to be making the improvements they were already making in just one day. Especially when Casey flushed those iron shots and it brought a huge spark of excitement for her. Thanks Titleist for more amazing content!
  6. jeff p

    jeff p
    Central Illinois

    Loved this video. Dr. Greg is amazing to watch do his thing. One of these days a visit to TPI may be required.
  7. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Somewhere there was a video here where the phrase was - what you think the problem is, it isn’t. None here knew what their weakness was. Just tweaking a swing to minimize long term back injury is worth working with a TPI instructor even if your handicap doesn’t change.
  8. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Great video content.

    Enjoyed watching Dr. Greg break down each of their issues and give them a plan to fix the issues.

    Keep this content coming.
  9. Tyler_S

    Cypress, TX

    What I wouldn't give for 30 minutes with Dr. Greg. He clearly knows his stuff and I have picked up some things from the videos that he has been in that have helped my game or at least understand body mechanics and sequencing that much better.

    I wish TPI offered just a Dr. Greg service. I believe at one point they offered a full day fitting where some of that biomechanic look in was a part of it, but it appears to no longer be offered.

    Great video to watch.

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