Pro V1 25 on hats?

Follow Thread

By ScottyC50

  • 14 Replies
  1. ScottyC50

    Painesville, Ohio, USA

    Does anyone know if this upcoming year's hats will the ProV1 25 logo on them? Of course I've seen them on the PGA Tour, but i was wondering if they are going to be released to the general public?

    The ultimate Titleist hat for 2025 - ProV1 25 on one side and the Team Titleist logo on the other! Who's with me??

  2. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I hope that Titleist releases those hats to the general public.
  3. Mark V

    Mark V
    Pueblo, CO

    Dear Titleist please release the your hats, even slighlty altered, wi the 25 year year Pro V1 Logo. We have been playing that since since 2000. Best golf ball, and #1 bal in golf. Thank you.
  4. JYoung


    Yeah. I want one. Or two.
  5. David W

    David W
    Pittsburgh, PA

    I have ordered and received 2 TP Mesh and 1 TP and there was not a 25 logo on them. Also purchased 2 from a retail store with nothing also. My guess would be that it is only available to the Tour players.
  6. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    I was hoping to be able to get one as well! That 25 looks good on there.
  7. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Agree. Looks good. Bet they’re coming.
  8. Bryce D

    Bryce D
    Benton, IL

    i love the look! cant wait to get ahold of a new one
  9. DStover

    Smithfield, NC

    Yes, the 25 logo Titleist hat would be awesome!
  10. jsh_golf


    What a great looking hat
  11. From a discussion with Acushnet Canada, unfortunately these hats with the "25" are only for their Tour Players. So you best chance is to get out to a tour event and see if you can get one. Hoping this might change as I think they are top shelf. I also hope they have some new colour ways for 2025. Again we can only hope.
  12. Luis H

    Luis H
    San Antonio, TX

    fitters may carry some hats or goodies that are only avail to them, would be nice to see them in stores
  13. golfinnut

    Leesburg, VA

    The "25" hats would be awesome if they came to us general hackers. But I know they won't. Just like the balls that are made specifically for certain Tour players. There are just some things that are made strictly for them. I don't get it. Why wouldn't you want to help promote your product? On more heads the better, right? It just doesn't make very good business sense IMO
  14. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Might check with you local Titleist rep. If you know one and have a good relationship, they sometimes have promotional items. Who knows, might get lucky. Sometimes items are for tour players only, where they can get the most exposure. Promoting the 25 years. What better place?
  15. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    ScottyC50 said:

    Does anyone know if this upcoming year's hats will the ProV1 25 logo on them? Of course I've seen them on the PGA Tour, but i was wondering if they are going to be released to the general public?

    The ultimate Titleist hat for 2025 - ProV1 25 on one side and the Team Titleist logo on the other! Who's with me??

    Do you have a photo of the hat?

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