Follow Thread


  • 7 Replies
  1. FJL

    Kitchener, ON

    Anyone planning to go to either the practice rounds Monday to Wednesday or the actual rounds Thursday to Sunday. I didn't win the lottery for the practice rounds this year but was there in 2000 and 2003.

  2. Marc W

    Marc W
    las vegas, NV

    I was lucky enough to go last year on Wednesday for the practice round and saw Nicklaus make a hole in one in par 3 contest. Iv'e been to Final 4s and other major sporting events but this was by far the greatest sporting event I've ever been to and the most organized and well run. My biggest regret was not buying more merchandise! I also stopped at Hooters and John Daly gave me a drink and talked with him for awhile.
  3. Rob H

    Rob H

    So hard to get tickets especially here in the UK. My friend is going though, he has tickets for the par 3 tournament & the Thursday. So jealous..!! Would love to get there myself one day.
  4. I will be going on Monday and Tuesday this year. This will be my 4th year in a row. A tradition with my father. It is the most beautiful course I have ever seen. TV does not show how hilly the course really is. These guys don't have very many level lies. I really enjoy watching the players tee off on Par 3 16th Redbud. Especially when the Players skip balls across the pond. I usually can get right up on the tee box. I cant wait to go!!!
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  5. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    My son got 4 tickets to Monday's practice. This is going to be my first trip, and I am extremely excited. Just the chance to walk the same hallowed ground as the game's greatest is something special to me.
    Is it possible to overdose on Pimento sandwiches?

  6. Brian E

    Brian E
    Independence, MN

    Going this year on Wednesday for the practice round, then heading to NC to play Pinehurst and a handful of other courses. Went to a Tuesday practice round two years ago...Augusta is unbelievable. Once again I plan to spend a week's worth of pay in the merchandise shop! :)
  7. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    Have fun guys. I've entered the lottery for so many years and have yet to win. Someday...
  8. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Anyone have any recommendations on courses to play in the Atlanta area?
    We are staying in Conyers, Ga. and looking for something in the SE area or within a hour drive from there.

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