Best courses

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By blair

  • 2 Replies
  1. blair


    last year I went on a golf trip with guys from my club to Spain. We played the 2 courses at PGA Catalunya and a few other courses is that area. I would love to go on another trip at some point I just wondered where everyone else recommends for a golf trip ?

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  2. MIke Lyon

    MIke Lyon

    You could fly into Mercia in Southern Spain, lots of top courses in that area.

    I stayed at La Finca last year, they have one course on that resort and also own or have rights to Villa Martin and Las Ramblas.

  3. Marc S

    Marc S
    San Antonio, TX

    I currently live in Abu Dhabi which is about an hour from Dubai. The golf over here is amazing and the courses are first class indeed. Definitely worthy of a golf trip if you're looking for a different destination.

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