Slowing rust on raw finish.

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By Scott G

  • 2 Replies
  1. Can I spray/wipe wd40 on my raw and black finished wedges ? Is there anything else I can apply after cleaning for in between rounds. I realize during the course of play with hitting and wiping the oil will be removed. Just want to know if it’ll help slow the process or not ?

  2. J.C.


    Not really much you can do to stop the rust from happening other then making sure the club is always dry. I'm not sure if the oil would affect the performance of the club.
  3. The rust is already fairly slow under normal conditions/use. There are ways to speed up or slow down the rust. I personally like the slow aging effect of the raw wedges. You could try using Barkeepers Friend with a soft scrubbing pad and that should freshen them up. But under no circumstances would i recommend WD40, next time just get the Tour Chrome if you don't want them to rust.

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