Vokey Wear & Tear

Follow Thread

By Ritchie C

  • 9 Replies
  1. First round with my new SM9’s, a couple of hits with my 54 deg and I noticed an odd chip on the sole edge.

    Should this kind of (minor) damage occur so easily, as I have only had these wedges a week and come from a set of Pings which never gave me any issue?

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  2. Alex N

    Alex N

    Looks like you must have hit a rock. What sort of course conditions are you playing? Is it firm and potentially rocky ground?
  3. Conditions of the course I played are not overly firm, and not really noticed it to be a rocky course. However the the bunkers aren’t the softest I have played….
  4. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    If they are the brushed finish, it is a coating and will wear (or worse peel).
  5. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    It’s going to happen. It’s a wedge and meant to be abused!
  6. Cheers guys, I think I’m best listening to Todd T, a few more rounds with them and I’m sure they will all have some wear.
  7. It looks like some sort of course sand or small rock that you hit during a swing and may not have realized it. Vokeys at not only durable but also very reliable with the manufacturing process at Titleist.

  8. PRO V

    PRO V
    golf course

    Call Titleist and ask about their return policy.
  9. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    The chrome does not show wear as badly. They does appear to have hit a stone. Been there, done that. =(
  10. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    That is 1000% impact with a rock or small stone of some kind.

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