Lob Wedge.

Follow Thread

By Kshitij K

  • 1 Reply
  1. I’m currently using a SM9 56.10 S and 60 T. Getting the SM10’’s in the same setup. Wanted advice on one thing- I’m planning to get also get a 62° wedge which I will switch with my SM10 60.04 T depending of the course. Should I get the 62.08 M or another 60.04 T and bend it to 62°.


  2. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Kshitij K said:

    I’m currently using a SM9 56.10 S and 60 T. Getting the SM10’’s in the same setup. Wanted advice on one thing- I’m planning to get also get a 62° wedge which I will switch with my SM10 60.04 T depending of the course. Should I get the 62.08 M or another 60.04 T and bend it to 62°.


    The other option is bend the 62-08M to 60.

    I’ve been using the combo of 60-14K bent to 58 and 60-04T on and off for some time. I’ve carried a 64 in my bag since 2007.

    I’m not a personal fan of the 62-08M.

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