Healthy body=Healthy game?

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By NHryn

  • 34 Replies
  1. After being told by my PCM that my lifestyle had become to seditary I joined a local gym. I had no clue about exersise so took advantage of the personel training option for 6 months. As I began feeling and moving better my intrest in playing more and better golf began to grow. I wanted to ensure I was in ailgnment before progressing to any weight lifting and found a local Chiropractor. His website mentioned he was certified TPI level One. TPI didn't ring a bell, but google found it for me and I became very interested in it. I made the appointment for both alignment and TPI screening and was given exercises for the weak areas of the screening. My interest in exercise grew my interest in TPI and I did a lot of reading and watching their youtube videos. TPI has experts in various areas and I am lucky enough to have a TPI fitness level 2 and power level 2 trainer in my area. I reached out to him about 18 months ago and have been with him since. He redid my screening as the original was about a year old and also did a power screening. He has been writing my workout routine for 18 months now, all based on progression and where my weaknesses are and what time of year it is. The cost is very minimal as I only physically meet with him monthly, but correspond weekly via text on progress and how workout are going. I do the next workout with the trainer to ensure form and whatnot are correct and then get the workout routine written sheet with video demonstration. I have access to him via text or call for questions or if something isn't going well. I get a call or text if he doesn't hear from me weekly. Absolutely the best decision I made. For those in my catagory of pushing 60 I would strongly recommend a screening first. I have never had a weight problem and was alway athletic, BUT, mobility and balance can't be overstressed. Hopefully this helps a few get started on a better season.

  2. BCH


    Been working out for several years. Started out and lost 40 pounds due to training, dietary changes and lots of water. Had an operation for torn meniscus in October in 2019 and had trainer work on my legs 6 months prior to surgery and physical therapy was a breeze. Previously to losing the weight, my surgeon suggested a full knee replacement but due to improved weight issue we only did repair of two meniscus tears-one a complete tear.

    Typical workout is Monday and Friday with trainer and Wednesday on my own.
    Bike for 8-10 minutes for cardio
    Weights such as bench and free weights for upper body, legs
    Balance based block work
    Russian twists
    Step ups on 8 inch block
    Ankle cuffs walking
    Core work- sit-ups on ball, planks, other core work
    (Quit squats as it is affecting knees for now)

    Ending with a full stretch of lower body to get more flexibility

    Wednesday:Typically upper body free weights ankle cuffs walk sit-ups with ball and planks

    As a goal, I wanted to increase my tee distance 10% each year after being out of golf for 15-20 years-went from 200-220 after first year and 220-240 second year. Looking good for third year so far!
  3. I always do work out to keep my body in shape. Golf is a lot easier if youre physically healthy.
  4. Tosh.


    Took the plunge and joined the local gym last wk, I’m going every other day but not really got a routine yet I may take the free personal trainer session to see if they can maybe give me something to work on to help the swing and and free up the stiff ar#e body......
  5. Haha now that golf is starting to make a comeback in New England I am looking back at what I wanted to do this year I’m off season to get better...and it went the way of the dinosaur. I was going to do yoga and lift more legs this off season...but like all winters I did my normal gym routine of upper body with 30 mins and cardio, hiking with my best friend (dog), and tried every craft ipa this side of the Mississippi! Oh well there is always next year?!
  6. Hotsauce

    Georgetown MA

    Joshua B said:

    Haha now that golf is starting to make a comeback in New England I am looking back at what I wanted to do this year I’m off season to get better...and it went the way of the dinosaur. I was going to do yoga and lift more legs this off season...but like all winters I did my normal gym routine of upper body with 30 mins and cardio, hiking with my best friend (dog), and tried every craft ipa this side of the Mississippi! Oh well there is always next year?!

    I've heard a plethora of craft IPAs is the best way to lower your handicap. If it doesn't work at least its delicious!
  7. Alex N

    Alex N

    I’ve noticed a difference in my game lately since going to the gym regularly for 3 months now. I feel more stable and balanced during my swing. I wouldn’t say I’ve gained yardage except maybe a couple of yards. I also stretch daily which helps alleviate back pain or hip tightness. I had a pinched nerve in my right arm back in the Fall and it really affected my game. After that, I decided I was no longer going to be a bum and took the proactive approach of getting fit and healthy. My game thanks me for it and so does my body!
  8. David B

    David B
    Marshfield, MA

    Recently with everything goint on I’ve done a full body circuit of:

    4 mountain kicks into a push up, timed 30 seconds for 4 sets with 15 second rest between
    Air squats, 4 sets of 30 seconds with 15 seconds in between
    Single leg Romanian deadlifts, 1 minute each leg repeat twice no rest in between
    Resistance band shoulder presses, 4 sets of 30 seconds with 15 second rest between
    Resistance band chest presses, 4 sets of 30 seconds 15 second rest between
    Diamond push ups until failure (started at 25 now around 35)
    Resistance band rows 4 sets of 45 seconds with 15 second rest between
    Resistance band curls for 1.5 minutes straight
    5 minute core consisting of 1 minute front plank, 1 minute left side plank, 1 minute right side plank, 1 minute flutter kicks, 1 minute heel touches

    I’ve found it to be a good full body workout. Hope this helps!
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