Coldest you’d go out in...

Follow Thread

By Joshua B

  • 35 Replies
  1. I read something that said...and I’m paraphrasing: My biggest fear as of now is getting a murder hornet stuck under my mask while shoveling my driveway in May! If you can’t laugh then what can you do, am I right? Anyways I was planning on playing this morning but the temps were around 33 degrees so I opted to make coffee and read up instead. I determined that my number is 45 degrees and warmer I’ll play and anything below seems unenjoyable to me. So question is, what is your cold weather number, how low will you go?

  2. Paul C

    Paul C
    Beech Mountain, NC

    As my age goes up the minimum temperature I can comfortably play in goes down. Wind, humidity and wind plays into the mix as well. On a relatively dry day with light wind, 50 is good.
  3. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    For routine play it’s 50 degrees but I make exceptions for special courses. Played I n cold sleet on the Old Course at St. Andrews and waited for snow to melt one morning n Bandon Dunes.
  4. Alex N

    Alex N

    I’ll play as low as 35. But if it’s windy and that cold because the feels like temp is lower then I’ll call it. Also, the murder hornets are literally nothing to worry about. They get their name because they kill honey bees. I’d be more worried about yellow jackets or literally anything else that actually matters over those hornets. Haha
  5. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    I've teed off when it was 28* a couple times. Pretty dang cold for here in NC. But I usually don't play if it's below 40*. Hard to have fun when it's that cold.
  6. Nick.


    i dont really care how cold it is, its the dam wind that hurts every bone in body.

    When you hit it good and it still hurts, thats when i know its too cold.

  7. I will go out at 48 degrees.....but it is that windchill number that I look out for. If it drops the "feel like" temperature below 45 degrees, I usually tap out......
  8. FRED L

    FRED L
    Centerport, NY

    Agree - North of 45, Sunny Day and no wind!! Any colder here on the Island and like hitting rocks!! I did samething on the 9th - cold and windy - rolled over and went back to sleep!!
  9. Tosh.


    I used to be a fair weather golfer but after the courses being closed for so long due to the virus, for me there is no more bad weather only bad clothing, if the course is open I’m playing.
  10. I remember playing as a kid in weather so cold you had to find broken tees and precariously balance them in order to tee your ball up since the ground was frozen, some rounds it felt like authentic links golf, 150 out, you had to land it 120 because it would bounce so hard and roll. We also went to the course during a hurricane warning and would hit full sand wedges, run backwards 20 yards and catch our ball. I am game for any weather, the worse the weather, the better the 19th hole is!
  11. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    40's if no wind in Kansas I'll play in, if windy 49 to start with but it better get to at least 55 or 60 during the round.
    Of course a calm day in Kansas is 10-15 mph so it's a tough call most times during early spring & late fall/early winter. Usually I'll get a later tee time like 11am or 1pm if it's going to be frigid in the earlier morning hours.

  12. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I played 9 Saturday afternoon. Courses just opened here. It was 43 with the wind gusting to 30mph.
    Cold? Absolutely...but it felt great to get out.
  13. Jim C

    Jim C
    Duxbury, MA

    I played Saturday in MA, tee time of 10:20. If the shutdown had not been 7 weeks long, not sure we would have played.
  14. If the wind is down and no rain, then I would say 40 degrees. Layer properly and with sunshine and this can still be enjoyable.
  15. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    I have noticed that my level changes pending what part of the calendar we are in. If its March/April or End of October into November, 40 degrees doesn't seem so bad, but 40 degrees in May is just depressing man.
  16. Sean N

    Sean N
    Coshocton, OH

    Typically 50 degrees F is my minimum temperature. I have been in lower, but those times were not as enjoyable!
  17. I've played in a snow squaws before (with my wife!). I'm not exactly sure what the temp was but you had to have long underwear, pants, rain pants, heavy socks a jacket multiple top layers and winter hat to try and stay warm. It was a fun two person scramble with her.
  18. Generally I won't/can't play if the temp is below 40*. Since I like to play alone and early in the morning the temps tend to be lower. But here in So. Carolina if the temp is below 38* there tends to be frost on the ground and the courses don't let players out until it's gone which means that the temp has gone up a few degrees. As I tell my southern neighbors "being from Wisconsin if you can't see your breath then it's not cold".
  19. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    I'm pretty much in line with Dale. If it is a special course, I'll try to make a go of it. Other wise if I'm home then 50 degrees or above I will play. Played a course in 25-35 mph winds and blowing light rain one time. It was brutal!
  20. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    45-50 at an event in outskirts of Philadelphia and wind didnt help.... Had it been at home, I would have slept in, thank goodness for hand warmers!
  21. Bomber3

    Lake St Louis, MO

    It isn't so much about the temp, but rather the wind and sky. If it's windy & cloudy, 50 can be brutal. On the opposite side, sunny, calm and 35 is perfect walking weather.
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