Cry Me a River

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By Doug E

  • 21 Replies
  1. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    I'm back. I realize no one here even noticed I was gone. That's okay.

    First, I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but you haven't had to read much else from me for the past few months, so bear with me, if you have the time or interest. Or not. I won't take it personally.

    I was detoured by Covid. No, I didn't catch it. At least I haven't, yet, anyway. No, my course shut down back in March, just like so many others did around the country. So, like most of you, I couldn't play golf.

    Initially, I continued to check in on these forums and contributed occasionally. But, as time went on and depression about the whole change in life as I knew it took over, nothing seemed to matter. Even golf. And this from a man who played or practiced at the course virtually every day. At the time we shut down in mid-March, I already had 58 rounds in for the WINTER in the Northeast! If I wasn't actually out there playing, I was working the short game practice area or hanging out in the pro shop. Golf was my life.

    After seven weeks of lock down and lots of projects accomplished around the house, there were signs the courses would be opening back up....of course, with major restrictions. So, I tried to get excited. It wasn't that easy. I knew things would be different than I was used to. But I dressed the day of reopening and went to my home course, where I am a member. The place was mobbed. That annoyed me. My course. The one I had practically all to myself all winter was now bursting at the seams with freed-from-lock down golfers....and a lot of hackers looking for something, anything, to participate in that was safe. I couldn't find a place on the tee sheet that first day it was so packed, so I went to the range and pounded balls to get out my frustration. Probably 200 of them. And that created a problem.

    You see, when you reach 60 or so, you have to keep active if you want to continue to stay active. Prior to the shutdown, I was getting a lot of exercise, playing golf nearly everyday....for the last three or four years since I semi-retired. My body was used to it. I was in great shape. I had been swinging the club well all winter. My handicap was 4.8 when the last posting season ended and I was confident I could go even lower once the new season began. Not bad for an old man still playing from the blue tees. HOWEVER, things changed when I went to the range that first day back. I overdid it. You can do that at 30 and get away with it. Not so easy at my age, I clearly see now.

    My muscles (the golf ones I took for granted) had also gone into semi-retirement, and I guess I didn't realize it. Hitting 200 balls was not smart. I was not aware of it at the time, but I tweaked a muscle in my left lat that day. I played my first 18 in almost two months the next day and it was extremely uncomfortable. The following day, I slipped off a 18" stool I was standing on and fell, landing on my side. Not badly. I scrapped up my leg, which was the only thing wrong. Or so I thought. It's a long story already, so I'll spare you all the details, but I guess I fractured a rib too. On the left side right near where my lat was already quite sore. I tried to play golf the next day and couldn't. I had a slight tear in my lat, right on top of the cracked rib. I was out for 8 more weeks. I had to go through a 3-day-a-week physical therapy regimen and the whole nine yards.

    I felt my golf skills slipping away, psychologically, anyway. I gave up emotionally on golf. I felt the golf world passing me by. Woe is me. Cry me a river.

    Before Covid, I was on the TT site pretty much everyday. I read everything here and posted a lot too. Once I lost my golf focus, I stopped checking in. I felt out of the loop. Even on another golf site where I am a moderator and one of the most frequent posters, I barely even opened my mouth. I was in a dark place.

    Finally, I was cleared to play. Yet, I wasn't that excited. I figured I'd ease my way back in this time. That was about a month ago. I have played 21 rounds since. I have not broken into the 70s even once. I am NOT the player I was before my forced vacation from golf. I just wonder if I ever will be. But, my enthusiasm for the game is coming back. A couple scores in the 70s will probably bring me totally back into the game.

    And, I now realize, I want to visit this TT site again frequently. So things are looking up. I also want to repeat my apology once more for the length of this post and thank any of you who may have made it all the way through.

    To those who may have contacted the virus while I've been away, or know someone who went through a rough time, or worse, as a result of it, I am truly sorry to hear it and in no way think my experience of golf depression outlined above compares.

    Just had to get that all out there. I feel better now. I will be checking in again more regularly and adding my 2 cents from time to time.

  2. Allan


    Team Titleist Staff
    Peope definitely noticed your absence:

    Glad to have you back, Doug!
  3. TUrreta

    Reston VA

    Welcome back in all respects!!!!!
  4. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    Well back. You most certainly were missed!
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Well there you are.... welcome back Doug.
  6. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Doug, As Allan eluded to in his most recent post, with a link to the forum earlier this summer, you were missed.I missed you and your comments and insight. I'm sorry for the physical ailments that have afflicted you recently, particularly the fall from the stool.I'm just happy you're still vertical! With Covid and the over 60 crowd more prone than most,you just never know. One thing I'm certain of is you'll gain back what you lost, and eventually get back to the level you were at before. Since I know your sitting down resting, I'll bore you with a little story about age, overdoing it and competitive drive that never leaves you.

    I turned 64 on July 25. Our club championship was August 8-9.It's 36 holes with a Saturday cut.I've won it twice; once when I was 37 then agin at 43.My kids asked if I was going to play in the senior division, and they chuckled as they said it.I actually thought about it for 30 seconds, and decided no, I was still good enough to play in the championship proper. Eight low scores (gross)and ties play Sunday. It was a shotgun start with 72 players with probably 40 to 45 in the championship flight. I walked 18 and carried.I made a 50 foot birdie on the final hole for 73, which unbelievably was right on the number.

    I was really proud of that round, and I realized that I'm still competitive. I reached back and found something. I fought like hell and scrambled all day.

    We had 9 guys who shot between 71-73.Sunday pairings were 3 somes. Six players were under 30;3 of us over 60. Like the idiot I am, I walked and carried again. It was over 90 both days. Even my wife told me to take a cart.

    So what happened? I shot 84, lost my legs halfway through the 2nd round. Couldn't get a cart at the turn because there were none left.The kid that won was 17. He was the only other player on Sunday who walked.He was paired with me, but I never saw him because he hit 2 time zones further!

    Moral of the story; let the 17 year olds walk. The 64 year olds need to listen to their body and try to be smart even when dumb is staring them right in the face.

    Doug, glad you're back, happy you're ok. Hope you enjoyed this little tale of woe and inspiration......
  7. Alex N

    Alex N

    Welcome back, Doug. Thanks for sharing your story. I think there are many others out there who share the same feelings of being away from golf and feeling discouraged. I hope you can bounce back better than ever before.
  8. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Welcome back Doug, good to see you again.
  9. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    Thank you all. I'm humbled.
  10. Welcome back Doug, I am new to TT, but knew you had a following from reading the posts. Sorry for your physical struggles but I can relate. At 61, if I miss a couple of days of exercise it takes a few more days to limber up. The physical and mental are very intertwined. I am two years past a kidney transplant and at the time wondered, after 50 years, if the game had passed me by. Thankfully the answer is no. I am back into shape and trying to get back down into the 70s again. Still working on that but have come pretty close. Fairways and greens to you!
  11. Welcome back Doug! Glad you're feeling better and hopefully a few sub 80 rounds are in your near future!
  12. Elson C

    Elson C

    Doug, as Allan outined, you were missed.
    I completely understand the place you are coming from, with this pandemic, it has been very hard to keep up the same energy level as before, also you have had a few injuries along the way, and those can have a big impact.
    We are all handling this pandemic in different ways.
    We are glad to hear that you are back and doing better.
  13. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Maybe I need to move back to Maryland. In WI we have some semi-warm ranges in the winter, but walking the pooch and a simple workout routine in the basement is my routine 4.5 months a year. 3 rounds in SD, zero in WI until April.

    Taking up golf at 59 and only breaking 130 with enough mulligans, I've never worried about beating anyone else. I can get into the 80's now. I've had a lot of friends that would like to play if they were still here, so I appreciate every opportunity to play. At 70 I'm looking to continue to play the whites for years to come. Or at least tomorrow. It's what you have, not what you don't have, that makes life fun.

    I've always appreciated your advice and experience - keep it coming.
  14. Keith M

    Keith M
    Acworth, GA

    Welcome back! May your health and game continue to improve.
  15. Mike r

    Mike r
    Amherst, OH

    Welcome back TT friend. Stay safe
  16. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Understand and glad to have you back. Turning 74 in a few weeks an can feel the muscle memory lacking and this depression of staying inside is starting to show also. The temperature has just been too hot to play of go to the range. 2020 has been a year to remember and we are in the middle of hurricane season and we are hoping they stay out in the Atlantic and I know our friends in NC hope so as well. They normally get the blunt of the Atlantic storms. Just get all of us healthy and safe thru 2020 and we will have a lot to look forward to next year. Welcome back, worries
  17. No'l

    Palmdale, CA

    Welcome back, Doug.
    I thought about a post where someone actually mentioned you in it.
    Glad you're back at golf and you're okay now.
    I'm sure you will get right back to where you once were... like riding a bike ;-)
    Look forward to your posts.
    Take good care.
  18. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    There are positives from you Doug.
    You got a lot of projects around the house completed/finished.
    That has to be satisfying.

    You are starting to play golf again...good or're playing!

    You survived COVID!!!

    And you're back on the TT website!!!

  19. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    Welcome back to the forum Doug and welcome back to golf...have fun on the course and hopefully your life will be getting back to your normal soon. Stay healthy and stay safe!
  20. Welcome back Doug! Our minds can act like time machines, and take us back to a time when we were young bulls on the golf course.....but unfortunately, our 60+ year old bodies more often stay in the present. I think you have it right though, we have to encompass some level of athletic movement everyday to stay limber, even if it is just a good walk and a stretch. Your story clearly demonstrates that you are on the mend, keep moving forward. You still have lots of great golf ahead.
  21. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    It's comforting to know so many understand, relate, or simply care enough to read my long message and respond with kind or encouraging words. Thank you all, again.
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