Quick Poll - Around the green, what's more important to you when it comes to your golf ball - feel or spin?

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By Nolan R

  • 82 Replies
  1. Nolan R said:

    Hey Team Titleist,

    It's no secret that both feel and spin are important in a golf ball, especially when you're around the green.

    So who better to ask than the Team Titleist community for what they look for in their golf ball when they need an up and down to keep their round going.

    Let us know your reasoning below and comment with what golf ball model you're currently playing!

    Feel, for sure !! Spin is "predictable" ... "repetitive" ... I need to FEEL the ball/clubface interaction.
  2. Terence A

    Terence A
    Cary, IL

    I have hands of stone so feel takes second place to spin. Too much rollout is my biggest problem so I need spin to keep the ball where I want it to be. Play the Tour Speed. Seems like this year’s version of the Tour Speed rolls out less than the previous one. Should probably be using a ProV but $$ counts for me.
  3. Both are very important. But I think feel is more important. I think the “feel” kinda dictates the spin.
  4. Terry V

    Terry V
    Saint Charles, MO

    To me, it's all about the feel, I get plenty of spin depending on the shot being played and choosing the right club for the shot. That's why I carry 4 wedges.
  5. I play the AVX, I still spin it as much as the other Pro V's. I think the new AVX's spin more then the previous ones. I like the feel of the AVX and it is longer off the Tee.
  6. Steve F

    Steve F
    El Dorado Hills, CA

    You can create spin, if needed, but not feel.
  7. My preference is to pitch and run so feel is important to me.
  8. Knowing what the ball will do for a given strike. Hence feel is more important.
  9. N Anthony S

    N Anthony S
    Virginia Beach, VA

    I prefer feel over spin. I don’t think I am good enough to control the spin.
  10. Dr. Tom L

    Dr. Tom L
    Tucson, AZ

    Feel----leads to spin. If a ball is too firm and clicks it isn't spinning. They are intertwined and dependent upon one another.
  11. michael b

    michael b
    penn valley, CA

    When I hit it correctly around the green the results are mostly pretty good. The feel is most important.
  12. GIL B

    GIL B
    Prescott Valley, AZ

    For me, it's important to know that I can rely on the spin of my Titleist Pro V1x so I can feel confident it'll stop where I want it to or at least check up at my landing spot. Feel is important too, no doubt, but for me it's more important for the spin.
  13. Feel. Without any doubt its feel.
  14. Spin is the most important to control pitch shots. Plus any tour caliber ball is going to have adequate feel.
  15. Excellent feel gives you confidence as you address the ball, spin and accuracy are the results of that conidence.
  16. Question is around the “green” do for me it’s spin.
    Feel is number one off the tee or the deck (5-9iron)
  17. DON F

    DON F

    Spin is so much more important than feel. Spin is about performance, Feel is your opinion of how the ball feels at impact, NOT about performance. What might feel good to me may feel bad for you, it can't be measured. Spin we can measure and see.
  18. When i play i need the feel so i can make more putts. If I’m chipping feel and some spin is needed
  19. How the ball feels off your putter is most important in devolving a repeatable stroke. You know when it feels right.
  20. I did the online ball fitting and My Titleist fitter did a great job listening and we talked about the my importance of “feel” around the green. So my vote is for feel.

    Also, fitter recommended ProV1 left dash and AVX. I’ve used ProV1 for many years but after testing out the AVX I’m converting. My driver spin #’s have improved and I don’t feel like I sacrificed anything around the greens either. Overall a great online ball fitting experience and kudos to your team!
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