Shot 104 Monday and put my clubs down until........

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By Chuck Z

  • 44 Replies
  1. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    I have really been struggling lately with my game. Not so much with my technique but with the physical aspects of my game. Went to see my orthopedic surgeon a few weeks to get a steriod shot in each hip in hopes that it would enable me to have a little more fun on the course and it did for a while, but then my lower back took over. I have arthritis and degenerative disc disease in my lower back and the pain lately has made it almost impossible to turn on my shots. Using mainly my arms, which we all know is a total disaster. Decided when I got home Monday, Chuck you have to do something. So put the clubs down and called one neurosurgeon who had performed surgery on me in 2020 on L5 successfully and was told could not see him until January but they would get back with me, if an opening came up. BS. Not the answer I was looking for. Called another neurosurgeon that my primary care physician had referred me to and they are going to be able to see my on Thursday. I had seen him in the past and he was the one that to told me about my current condition. I was determined to see someone this week. I am totally hurting. Hopefully they will be able to do something in the interim if only a steriod shot, but hope that they can find a long term solution. Would love to play golf for once pain free. As to the hips they are not to the point that surgery is the answer, yet and my orthopedic surgeon is the best in the area. Whoever said retirement would be a bowl of cherries. Sometimes I feel like I have fallen in a prickly pear patch. With that 104 was a birdie and five pars. Putted well. Had a lot of triple bogies, was damp and cold and probably lost at least fifty yards on my drives. A total disaster. =(

  2. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Hey Chuck Z, sorry to hear what's going on with you right now. It sounds like you're in good hands and there are brighter days ahead. Wishing you the best as you go through this tough "patch."
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Abdon M said:

    Hey Chuck Z, sorry to hear what's going on with you right now. It sounds like you're in good hands and there are brighter days ahead. Wishing you the best as you go through this tough "patch."

    Love your puns. Just hope he can get some of those prickles out of my back. Thanks.
  4. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Hope you can find a solution that best addresses your conditions. Good luck and get well soon
  5. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    Hang in there Buddy! I too have been dealing with Hip Arthritis and while not as significant as what you are dealing with has been really discouraging seeing the distance drop away. For me, not being able to walk the course is taking a few "Bucket List" courses off the table - for now at least.

    Will keep you in our thoughts - take care.
  6. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Am entering week two of hip replacement recovery (surgery on 12/7). Main driver for the surgery was work but stopped walking the course about the time of the TT at Pinehurst. Getting antsy to get swinging again. Want to be walking 18 again by summer. Follow the advice of your ortho but don't let it get too bad before you take action. Just my 2 cents.
  7. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    @Guy W - good advice. Yes I see the Surgeon on Tues so we will see what they say.
  8. ScottyC50

    Painesville, Ohio, USA

    I am right there with you. I was recently diagnosed with melanoma. It is hard for me right now to even play 9 holes in a cart as I am so fatigued with the immunotherapy drug that I am on. I am not happy with how I was playing (until winter shut us down), but I tell myself that this is my new normal, and at least I can get out and enjoy the game that I love - others are not so lucky. Some days I just went to the practice green to chip and putt - that's all I could do. Remember why you love the game, and do what you can do to scratch the itch. I prefer to see the golf glass half full as I have other serious problems going on. Golf lifts my spirits, and I use it for therapy. I'm not playing as good as I normally do, and that's OK.
  9. ScottyC50

    Painesville, Ohio, USA

    I am right there with you. I was recently diagnosed with melanoma. It is hard for me right now to even play 9 holes in a cart as I am so fatigued with the immunotherapy drug that I am on. I am not happy with how I was playing (until winter shut us down), but I tell myself that this is my new normal, and at least I can get out and enjoy the game that I love - others are not so lucky. Some days I just went to the practice green to chip and putt - that's all I could do. Remember why you love the game, and do what you can do to scratch the itch. I prefer to see the golf glass half full as I have other serious problems going on. Golf lifts my spirits, and I use it for therapy. I'm not playing as good as I normally do, and that's OK.
  10. John B

    John B
    Kenmore, NY

    Chuck, It is no fun playing with pain and worse not being able to play at all.

    My suggestionis is to follow he doctor's plan going forward. and if you continue to play with pain, then lower your expectations and just enjoy the good shots and holes (birdie + 5 pars) and ignore the others until your health improves.
  11. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    I certainly understand. Get to feeling better.
  12. Fred L

    Fred L

    Chuck - Hope you et better and good luck with surgeon which ever you decide. We'll be thinking of you and a speedy recovery...
  13. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Visited with the PA today at the neurosurgeon's office. It seems that no one gets to see the main surgeon on the first visit. Not good news but not a disaster. They have ordered xrays and an MRI and I am to meet with the neurosurgeon on January 5th to review their findings. In the meantime will be on steriods and NO GOLF. He said we do not need to continue aggravating the right lower back. Found out also that the right leg is not as strong as it should be we he did some minor strength tests. Guess he is forcing me do what I knew I needed to do all along. The hips seem to be improving with the steriod shots, but this old back is just not functioning like it should. I gave up walking years ago due to pulmonary issues. Sounds like I should be knock knock knocking on heaven's door. Too young, too much of this world to see, and a lot of golf left to play. With modern medicine and procedures there is always hope. He is one excellent neurosurgeon. Hakuna matata. =)
  14. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Started the steriod pills before breakfast this morning and can fell some relief. A lot of inflammation in the lower back. Hope it is not mental. Now it is wait until I see the surgeon on Jan 5th. Did not sleep well last night. Awake until 430am. Our interclub matches start on January 16th but doubt that I will make this month. Merry Christmas to all my buds in TTLand.
  15. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    Sorry to hear this news Chuck. Yet, after reading of all your other positive outcomes with injuries and surgeries over the many years (11, 12?) I've been on these TT forums, I am confident you will be out there kicking butt once again next season at some point. It's clear you have the determination. The hardest part is the patience it may take to get there. Just keep your eye on the prize.

    I'll be rooting for you. I'm sure the whole team here will be too. So, keep us all updated.

    In the meantime, while you wait for that next doctor's appointment, do your best to enjoy the holidays.
  16. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Doug E said:

    Sorry to hear this news Chuck. Yet, after reading of all your other positive outcomes with injuries and surgeries over the many years (11, 12?) I've been on these TT forums, I am confident you will be out there kicking butt once again next season at some point. It's clear you have the determination. The hardest part is the patience it may take to get there. Just keep your eye on the prize.

    I'll be rooting for you. I'm sure the whole team here will be too. So, keep us all updated.

    In the meantime, while you wait for that next doctor's appointment, do your best to enjoy the holidays.

    Thanks Doug. Think the weather is on my side. Cold, rainy and windy. Looking at single digit wind chills the next few days. Go figure, this is Charleston, on the coast, by the ocean. Have ordered Christmas dinner so even my dear wife can have an easy holiday. Have to stay positive, life is just too short and have to take care of my wife who has knee problems. Waiting to see if she will need surgery on other knee. We are made for each other. ha..ha..ha.. Merry Christmas. =)
  17. Aloha Bruce

    Aloha Bruce
    Sunnyvale, CA

    Doug E said:

    Sorry to hear this news Chuck. Yet, after reading of all your other positive outcomes with injuries and surgeries over the many years (11, 12?) I've been on these TT forums, I am confident you will be out there kicking butt once again next season at some point. It's clear you have the determination. The hardest part is the patience it may take to get there. Just keep your eye on the prize.

    I'll be rooting for you. I'm sure the whole team here will be too. So, keep us all updated.

    In the meantime, while you wait for that next doctor's appointment, do your best to enjoy the holidays.

    Hi Chuck,

    I hope that all goes well for you my friend and you do have to stay positive as life is short.

    Take care,
  18. Deno

    New Jersey

    All the best Chuck.

  19. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Hoping all goes well with the neurosurgeon. Don’t rush getting back while working with your team. Just imagine you are up north and the season doesn’t start until mid-April.

    Agree on the mirage of retirement. I’ve lost around 4 mph club head speed this year and have gotten far more practice pitching up to the green. Hoping this simulator season I can get some back. In any event, I still enjoy the game even if breaking 85 is as far off as a par on a 400 yard par 4.
  20. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    Don O said:

    Hoping all goes well with the neurosurgeon. Don’t rush getting back while working with your team. Just imagine you are up north and the season doesn’t start until mid-April.

    Agree on the mirage of retirement. I’ve lost around 4 mph club head speed this year and have gotten far more practice pitching up to the green. Hoping this simulator season I can get some back. In any event, I still enjoy the game even if breaking 85 is as far off as a par on a 400 yard par 4.

    Thanks Don. Can't really imagine living up North, with respect. Makes me cold even thinking about it. Although our wind chills have been in the single digits this week. We "normally" have about three weeks of winter here on the coast. My first working event with FootJoy is on March 5th. Kiawah’s National Pro-Am, 24th Annual National Pro-Am, presented by Club Car. Titleist and FootJoy have always had a big presence at the dinner on Sunday night. Collectively we put together some awesome tournament packages for the participants. Hope he can put me in a position to do the event. It is one of our biggest events for the year. Club head speed is not an issue, in that, still hitting stiff shafts with driver, fairways and hybrids and getting respectable plus yardage for a 76 year old gentleman. Checked my yardages the other day and my in the range of guys twenty years younger than me.
    Truly blessed. Good living and good doctors. =)
  21. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Oh, trust me…. I imagined on Xmas Day I was living anywhere else other than waking up to -13F temps. But it does give me time to work on squeezing out a little more from the decrepit body (doctor’s word, not mine) and try once more to getting to a better swing until mid April.
  22. Hope you get better soon & out playing golf again
  23. Hoping for the best, Chuck.

  24. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL


    Hope you start feeling better soon. keep up your search for solutions.
  25. Chuck, the TT community is wishing the new year brings you good health
  26. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    Feel better Chuck, a little rest should do wonders. Focus on stretching and flexibility moving into the new year.

    Best of luck,
  27. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    I am with you brother when I signed up here three years ago I ask about knee replacement I need on both knees.
    Then my shoulder started acting up I can play around the knees but not the shoulders so this year getting them done. Hope you have a speedy recovery I know it is hard when you cannot get out on the links.
  28. Hi Chuck,

    Hope you find a solution, all the best for your visit on the 5th.
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