Quick Poll: The Gimme Putt?

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 49 Replies
  1. JAM


    The trouble with taking a one foot putt is you never post an honest score. If you think you should just pick up because its so easy to make than why not putt it! I used to be an offender, no more.
  2. Having three-putted from two feet, I voted “inside the leather.” However, I think it mostly depends on who is putting!

    I played years ago with a lousy playing partner who got angry with us for not conceding his fourth putt. We did so under the rationale of not demonstrating putting proficiency. He missed the fourth putt.
  3. My normal group of guys always putt out, but a different group I was invited to play with give putts inside the leather. I prefer to putt out as the short ones can be missed and I post all my scores. Normally I only give putts in match play games.
  4. If playing in a $ game or tournament Never. If playing with friends for practice or fun readily offer them but when offered to me say thank you and I accept if inside the leather will take it but I will putt it for practice,
  5. Jordan C

    Jordan C
    Rhode Island / Massachusetts

    I’ll give them to my playing partners but most of the time I like to see my Titleist roll in the cup.
  6. Chris P

    Chris P
    Katy, TX

    I think it depends on the situation. If we are out having fun, and it’s inside a couple feet, pick it up for sake of pace. If there’s something on the line and it counts, you’re putting.
  7. Depends. If it's a tournament, putt everything out. If we're just out having fun, gimmies speed up play and add to the enjoyment. Oh and never pull the flag, wastes time and doesn't help.
  8. Walter M

    Walter M
    Sewell, NJ

    When the ball hits the bottom of the cup it is good. Bad putters want all putts while good players don't mind putting out.
  9. Thomas Y

    Thomas Y
    Wenham, MA

    Back when I was more 'competitive', I used to putt almost everything into the hole. In fact, my brother used to say, "You might as well pick it up; you don't miss from 5' and in anyway." I always had the belief that, if you weren't comfortable with making a putt 95% of the time, you didn't deserve to have it given to you.

    Now, my golf is much more relaxed and 'fun' (supposedly), so the pace of play is much more a factor (it was before, too) as is not grinding to be ready for an event. I'm not grinding a 3' putt when it's a social game with friends!
  10. JYoung


    It depends on who I'm playing with. I've played a bunch of rounds by myself this year and I putt them all. I have one group of buddies that anything close is a gimme and another set of buddies that you have to putt everything. They are also the ones that play for those green rectangular pieces of paper that have presidents/founding fathers on them. Haha.
  11. Mike D., Titleist Staff said:

    Hey Team Titleist, 

    For this latest quick poll, we wanted to hear your thoughts about the sometimes hotly debated Gimme putt.

    Do you take them? Do you give them? How close does it need to be? Or do you always need to see the ball drop into the cup?

    We know it varies from golfer to golfer, so let's hear what you have to say in the poll below and don't forget to add a reply to get the conversation going.

    Our league mandates gimme's within the leather to keep up speed of play.
  12. Mike D., Titleist Staff said:

    Hey Team Titleist, 

    For this latest quick poll, we wanted to hear your thoughts about the sometimes hotly debated Gimme putt.

    Do you take them? Do you give them? How close does it need to be? Or do you always need to see the ball drop into the cup?

    We know it varies from golfer to golfer, so let's hear what you have to say in the poll below and don't forget to add a reply to get the conversation going.

    If you play with the same group and the score is determined by the number of dogfight points you pulled, yes give putts. Example, a golfer is having a bad day and realizes he can't win any $$$ due to poor his play.
    Give him putts within reason or he would miss intentionally, therfore lowering his average quota.

    Anyone that has ever played match play has given a putt or should have.
  13. Mike D., Titleist Staff said:

    Hey Team Titleist, 

    For this latest quick poll, we wanted to hear your thoughts about the sometimes hotly debated Gimme putt.

    Do you take them? Do you give them? How close does it need to be? Or do you always need to see the ball drop into the cup?

    We know it varies from golfer to golfer, so let's hear what you have to say in the poll below and don't forget to add a reply to get the conversation going.

    Our Men’s group sometimes has 15-20 players which means four or five foursomes, or even more threesomes. Requiring everyone to putt every putt out, slows things significantly. Waiting until all groups finish can be long for the early groups. If we have a small number of players or larger money bets, we may require all putts be made.
  14. If you’re not playing in a pro match and you’re playing strictly with friends and you’re hitting your putts and they aren’t I always give them the length of my putter and call it good keeps their moral up and we aren’t playing for money just for fun
  15. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    When you are out there playing legit events with something on the line then you put it in the hole. Out there passing the time with the squad and someone is out of the hole, or played the hole text book like striped one down the middle, hit it to 10 feet and putted up to 2 feet, give them the text book par and move on with your life. Golf is supposed to be fun
  16. Tyler_S

    Cypress, TX

    Like many others have said, it generally depends on whom I and playing with. My family and friends casually, doesn’t matter inside the leather is good.

    People I don’t know that I got paired with, I let them make their own call.

    Rounds that are of consequence, not good until it’s in the hole.

  17. In the "friend zone," (less than 2 feet) ... pick it up it's good.

    Speeds up play and as one of the guys in our group says, "We ain't playin' the US Open here!"
  18. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    As others have stated, it depends on the game. I play in a league that plays by the rules -- everything must go in (unless you have reached the stated max score for pace of play). Another senior group I play in also plays all putts must be holed. Playing with my friends in a regular friendly, putts may be picked up when conceded by the others. Obviously, in match play it is up to the opponents since a hole legally may be conceded long before a putt has dropped. I personally do not have a length I apply religiously in match play.
  19. Todd T

    Todd T
    San Diego, CA

    If cash is on the line, Im putting and making opponent putt them out!
  20. Depends on the situation.
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