2024 Goals

Follow Thread

By Sean M

  • 36 Replies
  1. Sean M

    Sean M
    Liberty, MO


    What are your goals for 2024?

    For me:

    1. Practice with a purpose 2. Better course mgmt (have a plan for each shot) 3. Hit 30+ putts a day 4. Control the controllable 5. Play to MY abilities, not my competition 6. Have Fun 7. Keep index below 9.9 8. Top 3 in flight for Club Championship 9. Two birdies per round 10. Hit at least 6 GIRs per round

    Attend at least one local & one national TT event!!!!

  2. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    1. Play more golf.
    2. See number 1.
    3. Get my handicap down 2 strokes.
    4. Refer back to number 1.
    5. Try to find at least some of the swing speed I've lost over the last couple years.
    6. Again, back to number 1.
    7. Get fit for all new clubs.
    8. Put it all together and return to number 1.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    1. Back to traveling the world with wife.
    2. Improve on health issues. Continue PT, daily exercises and listening to specialists.
    3. Work with pro on game to improve on my faults.
    4. Have more fun in golf and in life.
    5. Make one person smile every day.
    6. See everyone at the next TTI.
    7. Hakuna matata.
  4. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    Finish setting up my backyard practice area, so I can walk outside and practice more, to gain the consistency I have been striving for.

    Oh, and a trip to Pebble Beach.
  5. K.P.

    Richmond Hill, GA

    My 2024 goal is to get my handicap below 15. My current handicap is 18 primarily due to poor putting. I'm averaging about 2.3 putts per hole, 41.7 putts per round.
  6. Derek S

    Derek S
    British Columbia

    I'm aiming to get 5 birdies in a round this year. Also going to be trying to keep to no more then 1 3 putt per round. Other then that, I just want to get out and have fun!
  7. Start getting a birdie every round, grind the short game and get more confident at short chips. get the handicap to anything under 10.
  8. Ron T

    Ron T
    Grapevine, TX

    Love this Sean! I'm working on outlining my goals for 2024 too...
  9. Curtis N

    Curtis N

    Number 1 is to get my Handicap in the single digits. Currently at 13.2, so its doable if I can keep the big numbers off the card. No more doubles or triples.
    (2) Get better at putting and chipping to be able to get up and down to save pars.
    (3) Better driving accuracy of the tee box. Not just driver but being able to put it in the fairway more to give myself a chance.
    (4) Play more courses that I haven't played. Start crossing courses off the Bucket List.
    (5) Just have fun.
  10. Ralph M

    Ralph M
    Roswell NM

    1. Work on my game everyday
    2. Get fitted for a complete set of clubs.
    3. go watch my youngest play in a collegiate tournament next fall.
    4. Spend as much time outdoors with my two girls as i can.
    5. Consistently shoot in the mid 70's
  11. My 2024 goals are:

    1. Begin shooting a consistent under Par.
    2. Begin working with a pro to improve my short game from 35-150 yards.
    3. Start qualifying for amateur tournaments around the country.
    4. Start building up my resume with getting sponsored by Titleist.
  12. Steve E

    Steve E
    Stockton, CA

    Getting back to playing again after 5 years..had a accident that left me partly paralyzed in my legs..My home golf course just received a golf cart for paralyzed people so I will be out there playing again..grip it and rip it..
  13. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    1. Improve bunker shots
    2. Gain distance control from within 45 yards
    3. Hunker down on basement putting mat this winter and practice putting over a dime
    4. Sit in a dark room to learn to focus on typical distances instead of a best ever distance.
    5. See #4 - better course management.
  14. JYoung


    My main goal is to get my handicap under 10. 7-8 range preferred. Currently just under 11. Started taking lessons this winter for the first time in my life. Going to actually practice as much as I can. Also plan on trying to play some new courses at home and while on vacation in Hilton Head next summer.
  15. 1. Get one year closer to retirement so I can play more golf.
    2. Play more golf anyway
    3. Continue to improve. 3 rounds in the '70s this year, none last year, keep trending downward.
    4. Continue to exercise so I can continue to play better.
    5. Continue to practice on the range and in the back yard.
    6. Swing the trainer daily.
    7. Play the Black
    8. Play more "big" courses with my beautiful bride.
  16. PZ


    My main goal in 2024 is getting back into the gym to better myself on the course. I played my best golf a couple years ago when I was strongest and most limber. I've come up with lots of excuses, but it's time to get back to it.

    My on course goal is to track stats of every round I play and use that info to work on my weak spots.
  17. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    1. Single digits.
    2. Play in three tournaments.
    3. Get my wife and kids more involved so we can hemorrhage money as a family.
  18. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    Now that my shoulder is finally stronger & I can start doing gym work again. My goals for 2024 are:

    1. More range sessions (only hit 2 times all year)
    2. Practice my putting & chipping weekly.
    3. Get my up/downs back up to around 40%
    4. Eliminate three putts. Had 12 over my last 7 rounds, only had 2 over my first 21 rounds.
    5. Focus on driving the ball & limiting the bad miss. To be more consistent with my misses instead of right/left/right /left.
    6. Play more courses outside the city
    7. Quit helping others on the range during my range session
    8. Quit helping others during our casual round of golf.

    I was not healthy going into the 2023 season. Multiple tears in the right shoulder. Couldn't trust my driver swing until around June. Got in the gym around July for light weight work. November finally started full body workouts again. Shoulder no longer is stiff or has pain after golf.

    Excited about 2024

  19. Always play more golf for starters. Practice more as i know I need it. Finally break 80! There’s always more when it comes to this game. Cheers!
  20. Goals for 2024 play more lower the handicap by a few and hopefully see some progression

    I have a fitting coming up at the Titleist performance centre i am hoping this can help towards the goals
  21. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    Sometimes my head moves with my shoulders, might happen 2 or 3 shots in a row then it goes away. Going a complete round without doing this is my goal. If anyone has a drill to stop it please share. TIA.
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