Quick Poll: Do you plan to play more golf in 2024?

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 82 Replies
  1. Military
    Currently averaging 32.8 putts per round as a 3.8 handicap. My 2024 goal is to average 30 putts per round and get down to a 1.
  2. Fred L

    Fred L

    Looking to play the same amount this year, UNLESS I am able to retire this spring and that may change how many rounds!!
  3. Joshua B

    Joshua B

    With Yale closed for renovations less, but with my daughter playing more could even out. Looking to to play the same if I have any say in it! Life happens, enjoy every round!
  4. My son is starting high school golf this year, so looking forward to playing a lot more with him this year.
  5. After coming off of COVID (Jan '23), and only playing 20 rounds in 2023, I am feeling about 90%. I fully expect to get back to playing 2x/week, sometimes 3, in 2024.
  6. Surgeries the past two years benched me for six weeks each time. Hoping to avoid injuries, and to play three times per week- average.
  7. John C

    John C
    Lenexa, KS

    I am adding 2 golf trips (AZ & Upper Peninsula of Michigan) plus a league and Monday senior events this year, so it should be an increase this year.
  8. Yes plan on playing more. Had some time off the first week of the year and played every day this week in the simulator. Not the same as on a real course but still so much fun. For the first time, got to play in December at home (non golf vacation). Makes the winter shorter :-)
  9. New knee in November. 8 weeks later I'm at 85% better. No pain. So, this year more golf!
  10. I plan to lay more in 2024 lost a month last year with elbow problems that now seems to be corrected so as spring gets here I am a go for more golf.
  11. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I will be playing more golf in 2024 than I have the last couple of years. I had my left knee replaced in early December. My recovery process is in the early stages but working hard to make sure I'm good to go when the surgeon clears me to swing a club again.
  12. Just got my new T-350 irons. Living in Montreal, I can only hit them inside for now. Will be starting my season early this year, heading to Myrtle Beach mid-Feb to end of March. Played 117 games in 2023 in an 8 month season. With the early start this year should play 135 rounds. My goal this year is to bring my handicap down to single digit. Working hard in keeping in shape this winter (69 years young). I'm working with the GOLFFOREVER equipment & app to increase my club speed. Really worth the buy.
  13. Mike D., Titleist Staff said:

    The New Year is here and after reflecting on the past year of golf, it's time to set our sights on the year ahead. So I figured let's get things started with a quick poll to find out what your golf forecast looks like for 2024. Cast your vote below and make sure you add a comment to join the conversation.

    I'll get the discussion going... I selected "Play More Golf" and it's safe to say that is a recurring goal for me.

    I'm not sure about the rest of you but at the start of every year, I always set out to play more golf than I did the prior year. Now, I may have not logged as many rounds in 2023 as I did in 2022 but I definitely spent more time practicing, so I feel good about saying 2023 was a success. As for 2024, I look forward to practicing and playing more rounds than I did in 2023.

    Now that i'm retired, i can get out more often. I have no excuses not to play more, so, it's on!!!!.
  14. james j

    james j
    Stafford, VA

    I am going to play at the min 3 times a week in 2024.
  15. JOEL G

    JOEL G

    I played 3-4 times a week last year ---but--I have turned 88, had a TIA,spent 5 weeks in hospital and rehab. So now I am going to try and get out to the course at least once a week. I have changed my residence to an assisted living facility about 3 blocks away from my golf club. The only good thing about being an old guy is it is now simple and easy to shoot my age or better ever time I play. I did it the first time when I was 74.It's easier now.

  16. Always a goal to get more golf in. Fortunately, I have a wife that loves to golf as much as I do. So that certainly helps in getting out on the course more often!!
  17. Got the new T350 for Christmas this year! Definitely looking forward to playing more rounds in 2024.
  18. I played almost 250 rounds this year it would be difficult to play many more.
  19. Bob N

    Bob N
    Hershey PA

    This is subjective for me, as I play at a minimum 9 holes 6-7 days a week. My club is only 9 minutes from my house. SO, I did vote the same but that's essentially me saying an insane amount of golf. LOL Wouldn't have it any other way.
  20. Nick-S


    each year I try to commit to 2-3 more days per month (ideally 1 per week) of golf. Even if that is some dedicated at home putting practice... or chipping around the backyard.
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