Hole in One Etiquette

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By Josh G

  • 24 Replies
  1. Josh G

    Josh G

    I propose that you buy shots/drinks for your group that actually witnessed your hole out. And everyone else buys you drinks! I mean, who wants to go broke on one of their best nights ever!

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  2. Andrew A

    Andrew A
    Charlotte, NC

    I whole hearted agree. I don't know how this tradiiton started, but it needs to be up-ended.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I have felt that way for years, but there are a lot of old hardliners who feel differently. I have no problem with buying a beer with my group who were there and saw the HIO. Even when someone in our Rascals group gets a hole in one and buys beer, I do not participate. That's how committed I am to the way I feel.
  4. JYoung


    I agree too. I never understood the tradition that when you get a hole in one you have to buy others drinks. Always seemed to me the opposite should happen. A hole in one shouldn't cost you money. Haha
  5. Darin L

    Darin L
    Devils Lake, ND

    With the group I play with, we have a standing rule that, if anyone gets a hole in one, the other’s playing with them each gives that person $100. It’s a little backwards from tradition but it gives a little reward for hitting a great shot.
  6. I totally agree I think you should only have to buy you’re playing partners drinks.
  7. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    My understanding the traditional goes back to when golf was played at clubs for gentlemen. Men of means in a tight-knit group. The tradition can end. If a league wants an “insurance fund” or there is an agreement between playing partners, it can be celebrated, but there should not be a burden to supply a room of strangers with a libation.
  8. Cris M

    Cris M
    Tyrone, GA

    Completely agree. Your obligation should only be to those in your group that witnessed it. About the only time I would be willing to expand the circle is if I was on a group trip, but only if it were a reasonable amount of people.
  9. TDial

    Weldon Spring, MO

    I’ve never been the giver or receiver so this is just my uneducated opinion. I see me buying my group a round of beers, but then buying me a shot (or a round for our group as well). But buying a round for anyone at the clubhouse who I may or may not know, had no part in the hole-in-one or my groups play… no thanks. That doesn’t make sense. I agree, it should be a celebration, not an obligation or negative (buying everyone a round).
  10. Thomas Y

    Thomas Y
    Wenham, MA

    I'm a firm believer that the 'tradition' started as a means of convincing the playing partners to confirm to others that a golfer recorded a hole-in-one, sort of a 'bribe of conspiracy'. Why else would anyone buy a round of drinks for the golfers in the group, let alone anyone who happened to be in the bar when they finished, if he/she hadn't actually managed a hole-in-one and needed to convince them of the deed!
  11. Dino S

    Dino S

    I agree with this. I feel like buying the playing partners a drink but when you get into the clubhouse it seems like everyone else should buy you a drink.
  12. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    I disagree. It's a tradition, and should be left as a tradition. It's a proud moment, and it doesn't happen that often. Deal with it, and be happy.
    It's like having a baby, and buying cigars for everyone.
    It's like getting married, and paying for a large wedding reception.
    True, a hole in one is a much bigger event, but tradition is tradition.
    Let's leave as such, and focus more on getting the IRS to allow a write-off for your hole in one expenses.
  13. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    You get to buy or not buy cigars on the birth of a child.
    You get to invite who you want to wedding reception.
    You don’t get to pick a day for a hole in one when the 19th hole is only your playing partners.
    I usually agree with you. Just not this time.
  14. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Don O said:

    You get to buy or not buy cigars on the birth of a child.
    You get to invite who you want to wedding reception.
    You don’t get to pick a day for a hole in one when the 19th hole is only your playing partners.
    I usually agree with you. Just not this time.

    You're right Don...again.
    But I still like traditions, and as limited as a hole in one is, I'll stick with this one. I've only experienced it once, and it was during a 9 hole tournament so it cost me the price of a new driver. But it's an experience I'll always remember and be proud of.
  15. Amanda S

    Amanda S
    Richmond, Va

    This is why i purposely never get a hole-in-one, lol.
  16. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    I’m on the side of the player wjth the HIO.
    Keep it simple. Your playing partners should offer up a toast to your achievement.

    Not a fan of opening the tab for a motley crew of people that most likely mean nothing to you.

    The club I play at recently had a guy that opened the tab for his ace, after a few hours he was $3,500.00 in debt…nope…nope…nope!

    Dr. K
  17. Played in a tournament this past weekend and one of my playing partners aced 16. He bought our group and caddies a round and appetizers after. I think this is more than fair.
  18. Simon Whittaker

    Simon Whittaker

    My last one I was with 11 other guys in 3 groups of 4 balls, so I bought them a round and stuck and bottle whiskey on the bar!!
    Didn't brake the bank and everyone happy.
  19. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    Check out the hole in one tradition in Japan!!!
  20. ScottyC50

    Painesville, Ohio, USA

    I was lucky! When I got mine, the course was deserted and we played in the morning. The best time to have a hole in one! I got out of there under $40!
  21. Frank P

    Frank P
    Port St. Lucie, FL

    Judging from the comments, not many here are members at clubs. At my club, we have hole in one insurance. You get charged $2.00 every time someone makes a hole in one. No problem.
  22. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    It's a great discussion point, and everyone will have their own answer. When I had my first, it was the final day of a three day season-end Seniors group tournament. By the time I got in, many of the participants (of the about 36 total) had already departed as they knew/assumed they were not in the running for any of the prizes. The club where we played allowed you to purchase drafts for the cost of your score for the day, and sold only beer and sodas. I had recorded a 74 that day and got out of the club for a total cost of $12.50, including the $2.50 for a soda for my carpool buddy! That's the best way to celebrate one, especially your first.
  23. I agree I think it is a dumb. last year someone in my club championship got a hole in one. instead of buying for everybody he bought 10 drink tickets and had the bartender hand them out to 10 random people and additionally bought his playing partners beers. which I thought was more then fair considering there was over 100 people there. he didn't have to do that he was fortunate enough that he could afford to do that but not everybody can. Personally I would just buy my playing partners beers.
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