SM10 F or K or D Grind Sand Wedge

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By Mike A

  • 21 Replies
  1. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    I found the Vokey fitting guide using handicap is a better judge than the other club or ball fitting guides. It actually matched what I was fit for. Sounds like the D for you is spot on.

    To inject some opinion, the M grind is more versatile than the D grind for most players. For me, many bunkers I play are as much clay as they are sand. If damp, the D and K grinds have too much bounce.
  2. D Grind is pretty versatile good out of bunkers and ideal around the greens as well !!
  3. Sand wedges, back in the day were 54 and 56 degrees before any loft greater was really produced or used. So the name has stuck but the K grind is designed for higher lofted wedges with high bounces normally (except for the special release low bounce). The ultimate wedge for out of the sand depends on the consistency of the sand you are playing out of, the K is very beneficial out of very fluffy loose sand, however wet or hard sand could be better with a lower bounce wedge.

    Understand, all these variable on paper do apply but every golfer is different including the courses we play. Thus, get fit in person with a professional...I have alot of wedges at home to prove this having been fitted by Bob Vokey as well as experimented on my own!

    Good Luck! IMHO

    P.S. - you will find an equally challenging discussion on the shaft to put in the wedges once you determine which grind and bounce to go with! Get ready!!
  4. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    Chris 92009 makes a great point; the consistency of the sand is key. The K may be touted as the ultimate bunker club, but if the bunkers at your club are hard and firm, the K has a lot of bounce (the D less so) and it may be tough getting underneath the ball.

    I play a muni and almost all the bunkers are pretty firm. I use the M grind in the bunker; it's got less bounce than the K or D.
  5. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Mike M said:

    Chris 92009 makes a great point; the consistency of the sand is key. The K may be touted as the ultimate bunker club, but if the bunkers at your club are hard and firm, the K has a lot of bounce (the D less so) and it may be tough getting underneath the ball.

    I play a muni and almost all the bunkers are pretty firm. I use the M grind in the bunker; it's got less bounce than the K or D.

    Low bounce K or T grind works reasonably well I hard bunkers. Haven’t tried anything with sand as fluffy as Torrey Pines.

    I also bend my D & K grinds 2* strong.

    K can be played off a firm lie but has to be played back in the stance.

    Probably the best K grind made is the SM6. I have a 60-12K bent to 58*
  6. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Yep Mike A, the D grind is very versatile. You will see that it has heel and toe relief in the grind. That will allow you to open the blade on tight lies and not get extreme grab on the turf. Same if you open the blade and play upright chips close to your stance. You still get adequate bounce in the middle for normal sand shots. The M grind is the same way except it has less overall bounce in the middle of the sole. Go M if you have a shallow swing and very firm bunkers or D if you play a lot of soft bunkers and minimal tight lies on chips. D was great for me when I was in SoCal but now that I am playing much firmer conditions in Arizona, I am changing all my SM10 wedges to less bounce.
  7. Mike A

    Mike A
    Fleetwood, PA

    Gentlemen, thank you for the feedback. I agree with all of your feedback. In the past, I found the D grind is easy out of the bunker but a bit too much roll for a lob wedge. So I plan to go with SM10s, D grind for my 54* and M grind for 58*. I play the set gap wedge. Also having different grinds provides more versatility when playing a variety of shots. The lightweight shaft option in the SM9’s were a blessing due to being in my 50’s now. The stock shafts maintains control while not wearing me down on the back 9.
  8. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    You can order the wedges in many different shafts. I play mine (had in my SM9's and now my SM10's) with TT AMT Red R-flex shafts which matched what I played in my T300 and complements my T350's with Tensei Red R-flex. Some people prefer the standard TT wedge flex shafts but for me, I like the weight and feel to be similar to the irons. Know you have many options even without going the route of using WedgeWorks.
  9. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    I prefer K grind. D grind does work but K works better off hard pan for me.
  10. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    I have a couple SM6 K grind. I bent them 2* strong and they work pretty well in hard sand. The low bounce K works in a wide variety of conditions.
    Post Image
  11. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    The Wedgeworks 58-06K won out this morning vs a 60-14K and 60-04L both at 58* It performed better off tight lies vs the L grind and better out of thick grass vs the standard K grind. I had enough store credit to get a brand new SM10 58-12D. I'm keeping both the low bounce K and the D grind in my bag because they complement each other. The SM10 58-12D has a pretty high ball flight so I can do the "oak tree flop shot" with relative ease.
  12. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Lou G said:

    The Wedgeworks 58-06K won out this morning vs a 60-14K and 60-04L both at 58* It performed better off tight lies vs the L grind and better out of thick grass vs the standard K grind. I had enough store credit to get a brand new SM10 58-12D. I'm keeping both the low bounce K and the D grind in my bag because they complement each other. The SM10 58-12D has a pretty high ball flight so I can do the "oak tree flop shot" with relative ease.

    I have a 56-12D bent to 54 in my bag. For Torrey Pines, take it out and replace with 54-10S and add the SM10 58-12D. I also have an SM6 60-12K (currently bent to 58*) and I played something similar at Torrey Pines in 2018. I'm staying with 46-54-58-64 because that worked for ages. D grind is better off tight lies vs M grind.
  13. Turner

    Mobile, AL

    I have the D grind and as stated before I want to back that its very versatile. Great for sand shots, chip shots, and even the full swing when needed.
  14. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Turner said:

    I have the D grind and as stated before I want to back that its very versatile. Great for sand shots, chip shots, and even the full swing when needed.

    The setup of 46 (48-10F bent strong), 54 (56-12D bent strong), 58-06K and the Phil 64 is a lock. I throw in a stock 58-12D for places like Torrey Pines. D grind at 10* bounce is quite versatile. I also have an SM6 60-12K bent 2* strong as reserve. The 56-12D outperformed the 54-10S so I returned the latter to the store and got a T100S 48 for a 3 wedge setup (I have a local brand forged 58 bent to 56).

  15. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    My experience with D and K grind….

    This is even true this morning. I recently got the 58-06K. I also bent my SM10 58-12D to 56. Out of soft sand they are even. The D grind gets 10 more yards on a full swing. The low bounce K is better on hard lies.

    Even before, with a 58-14K set up at 56 and likewise a 58-12D set up same, the K did better off firm lies.

    All 3 (58-14K, 58-06K, 58-12D) are equal when hitting a ball buried in thick grass.

    The D grind works better on open face shots off a plush lie.

    The 58-06K is the clear winner in hard sand.
  16. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    This is my updated thumbnail. Where D grind beats out low bounce K is full swings and flop shots. They’re equal on soft sand and thick grass. Low-K is better for hard lies but still doesn’t beat T grind. If I carry the bag, the low bounce K works great.

    Standard K grind 2* strong also works in a wide variety of conditions. Been using that since 2017.
  17. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Lou G said:

    This is my updated thumbnail. Where D grind beats out low bounce K is full swings and flop shots. They’re equal on soft sand and thick grass. Low-K is better for hard lies but still doesn’t beat T grind. If I carry the bag, the low bounce K works great.

    Standard K grind 2* strong also works in a wide variety of conditions. Been using that since 2017.

    Keeping the low bounce K in there while I acclimate to D and T grind.
  18. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    I just got the 60-06K with a trade in. I have it and the 58-06K at my disposal.
  19. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Lou G said:

    I just got the 60-06K with a trade in. I have it and the 58-06K at my disposal.

    The 60-06K is a no brainer vs the 60-04T. Very first shot at the practice green holed out and I put 2 shots in a row 3 feet from the pin at the infamous Miramar practice bunker (has to be the most hard-pan lie of any bunker in San Diego county).

    I can do a lot with D grind bent 2* strong. Last year I toyed around with 58-12D and 60-12D, along with 58-14K and 60-14K, bent 2* strong. They work equally well in soft sand. The K grind works better on tight lies because it digs. The D grind works better on flop shots. The D grind is better on full swing shots and pitch shots (a 10 yard difference).

    The low bounce K works in a wide variety of conditions. I’ve been playing a 58-06K since April as a sand wedge. Great for deep bunkers. I just got the new 60-06K (had enough trade in to get it for $100) and the funny thing is that it and the “SM9” version are nearly equal.

    T and L grind are ok for flop shots but still a bit limited vs low bounce K. The 58-06K and 60-06K will plow through thick grass like a sickle.
  20. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    In my thumbnail, my wedge setup is 46-54-58-60-64. The 54 loft is 56-12D bent 2* strong. 58 is 60-14K bent 2*’strong. For a carry bag I have a 60-06K or SM6 60-12K (58*).

    My experience on D vs K at 58* or 56* (both 2* strong) is the K grind is better off firm lies and D grind is better on flop shots.
  21. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Lou G said:

    In my thumbnail, my wedge setup is 46-54-58-60-64. The 54 loft is 56-12D bent 2* strong. 58 is 60-14K bent 2*’strong. For a carry bag I have a 60-06K or SM6 60-12K (58*).

    My experience on D vs K at 58* or 56* (both 2* strong) is the K grind is better off firm lies and D grind is better on flop shots.

    S grind at 54*.

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